My dear ashely accompanied me..
Ash.. U are the best !!! Muackz..
And yes ! i got it... I got my sis a LV card holder.. $290 !!
Very dried up now already..
but its for my sister.. my one and only sister...
wat to do...
Damn.. should have get the imitation wan instead...
Hahahha.. kidding..
Went to cine after that coz i suddenly have a mad crave for Chocolate cake..
At the cafe.. there's this girl sitting at the next table..
She keep playing ard with her hair..
And for yr info.. her hair isnt the silky type OK !!
Anyway, wat worst was she and her bf keep hugging each other..
For heaven sake.. GET A ROOM !!
Ok.... im jealous... SO !!
So all we could do was take pic of us to keep our minds to ourselves instead of googling at them !!
Ash has a bf dun worry.. only me.. hai x2... haha
But im fine... Here's a pic of us at the cafe..
U look great ash... Dun worry... kekek..
I look funny though.. hmmm...

After finishing the delicious chocolate cake (which i only took ard 3 bites to finish it)..
We went to shop ard.. I saw this amazing skirt which i took a instant liking on !!
Damn.. Few reason i didnt get it..
1. i have no time to take a good look at it.. (was rushing off to a dinner date with my parents)
2. i dun have the money !!!
BUT !! im getting it next week coz i really really like it...
And most importantly........... Im getting my pay next week !! woohoo..
Plus.. BH (ash bf) kanna confine in camp.. so i have her all to myself !! yeah..
Im sorry i sound bad... BH, u wouldn mind right??? heheh..
So by 6 i have to leave town and make my way to Great World City to meet my parents..
My dad expect me to be there by 630 and when he says i have to.. I HAVE TO !!
but at 620 im still waiting for cab behind taka..
And u should see the queue.. 8pm i still will be waiting there lor..
Wat the fark !!
Starting to panic liaoz..
So i did wat most ppl would do..
I booked a cab..
Soon.. the cab was here.. but the booking fee was $4... and fee keep increasing..
When i reach Great World.. The total cab fare was $9.20 !!!!!
From town mind u... Which was like 5-7 min away?
It was farking ex lor...
In the end.. my parents was not here until nearly 7..
Should have taken my own sweet time..
DARN !!!! ANGRY !!

This is my Darling Billy Boy...
One day if he ever leave me..
I'm going to go insane..
I love him lots and lots and lots...
And yup.. He's Blind...
But still as adorable.. like me... hahah..
As per promise.. this is the pic of my mum's bday present...
Which i didnt have to pay a thing..
hahaha.. i sound like a cheap skate.. how unglam..
Nice statue isnt it? hmmm...
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