Some updates regarding my bday celebrations..
Busy week for me.. So many things to hand over and settle before i take my flight tmrw !!!
Plus tmrw im on morning half day off and still have to go over cilent's place to settle some stuffs before i can leave PEACEFULLY ! Which also mean i have to complete all my work TODAY !
Shitty !!
If i dun post these pics now... I dun know when i will already since im leaving for Ozzie tmrw ! (YES ! TMRW !)
And when im back i will be busy posting Ozzie trip.
Super high !!
Singing... *High High into the sky....!*
06/09/08 (Saturday)
SINGAPORE FLYER + KBOX @ Marina Square !
I need to practise the way i stand when i take pictures ! The rest of the girls stand until soooo professional !
Off we go !

Perfect shot by Ashley... ^.^
Us us us us !
Got my bday pressie on the flyer !
Blah Blah White Sheep, Have u any wool?
My new Prada make up pouch !! I really do needed a new one....
My old one damn cui lor.... Take out and touch up also pai say....
I was telling them this two pictures are damn standard "friendship" pictures lor...
But doesnt it look very *awwwww*...... ^.^
After the ride we all have a huge HUGE craving for KTV and off we went...
We took the KTV + buffet and we had a blast... We always do during KTV session...
Kbox didnt have any rooms for six anymore hence they gave us the VIP room which can easily fit abt 15-18 pax and its just 6 of us...
High dao~~ Got stage, projector and also a pool table (which need to pay another $80 if we want to use it).
Big room right? All of us were like.... WOAH~~~ so happy...
But by the end of the 3rd hour.. All of us just cuddled at one corner becoz we are damn cold lah !
We took plenty of Wu Ah Bo pictures which i have uploaded in facebook.. Too lazy to upload all here.. So chose these 2 shots to show u all how big the room was... =)
But if u are damn free, u can go my facebook and looksie...
End of the day's entry with a random shot of my new sandal (bf calls them gladiator shoes)

I love me new shoes !!
And since we cant play pool... I still wanna make use of it ! I climbed up and post with the Martell Logo on the pool table... Hehehe...
07/09/08 (Sunday)
Sheila's Bday @ Pasir Ris Chalet
I have this mad craving for watermelon since dun know when... So when i got my hands on the melons.. I just cant stop munching on them ! But since its a fruit (zero fats), there is no boundaries... Hehehe...
I love this picture !! This is my curent wallpaper on my mobile... Haha.. I look damn "zhuai" lah !
I seriously dun know wats with the smoking effect.... We were not even near the BBQ pit !

Imagine all us squeezed on one table...
Our table too happening until no one bother to go look for other entertainment... Hhahaha...

After so many years im still the darkest of them lot...
In one pic i actually look like a maid taking pic with them lor ! (Of coz i refuse to post that up... U think im mad or wat?)
End the day's entry with me attacking a chicken wing !

Bite Bite Bite ! EEEEEEEEEE !
08/09/08 (Monday)
Halo Bar with the poly boys.
OMG... I damn shag that day already lor.... The weekend out with my girls and Monday out drinking with the boys...
My dad is totally not cool with it becuz he thinks i should stay at home more often since im leaving for aussie on fri..

Jonah look like he is touching Keelin's neh neh... Whahahaha...
Correction... They are play 15, 20. =)

Mr Sentimental Love Song King...
They were busy playing Photo Hunt. And i must say they are gooooood... Im like totally blind lah... Cannot find anthing lor !

Happy Birthday To The Virgo Partners !!

This picture is soooo Candid !!

Yup.. Bought him that for his bday... Make a guess wat is that... Hahahaha... Of coz there is another one better one lah... Im not that budget ok !!
End the day's entry with a group picture.
This was the best among those group pic we took... Either the alignment is totally sa lah or my face is totally cannot make it... Since i'm the only girl so its important that i look nice... The rest no need lah... Hhahahaha... =)

Lets meet up soon again !
The next time i try to pull bf go so they can meet my ultra loving bf... But the thing is... We always go sing K and bf hates K-ing.. So we see how it goes.. Maybe we can go out for dinner the next time instead?
Tmrw ppl ! Tmrw midnight i will be on the plane heading towards Ozzieland !! Luggage packed, left some misc stuffs which i have yet to throw it in... I brought ALOT of clothes lor... Bf is totally stunned when i told him the total amount... Im not going to embarass myself here by revealing how many tops i brought... =P All i can say is... There is still tiny weeny space left in my Purple luggage... Just enough for my hair dryer and make up... Heehee...
BUT ! If u think abt it.... Im 22 when i leave singapore... And when i return, i will be freaking 23 YEARS OLD LAH !
Watever it is...... I still sooo excited lah~~~~~ Its been awhile since i took the plane and bf promise there is going to be more trips in our future... *smilez*
Oh~ Bf bought my bday gift already ! And he is going to give me tmrw since he dun think he can bring it to aussie and give me then... So double yay ! Present and trip on the same day ! Lalalalalala...
If i dun get to blog tmrw as im going to be ultra busy ! U guys have fun here ! I will definitely have a blast... If everything goes well... I will be spending my bday in Sydney ! First Bday spent overseas... =D
Cheers ppl !
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