Treating my family to Sunday Dim Sum for a pre mother's day celebration.
Both me and mummy can make it on the actual day so got to make do with today. =)
We are going to The Cathay Resturant. Yay !
Been there a couple of times with des family so this time, i shall bring mine there..
Anyway, we caught the movie Iron Man last night at Vivo.

*i think des is in love with the suit*
We did an advance booking on the tickets in the morning and i thought we were Kiasu.. The whole bloody cinema is almost full ok !! ALL the good seats have been taken up !!
And its was GV Max for yr info.. The BIGGEST one in vivo and is almost full. This ppl really cannot lah.....
To thank me for "booking" the movie, ( Literally just BOOKING the movie because i actually used his credit card to pay cause i cant use mine, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY..)He treat me to dinner at Modesto's. =D
Food was gooooood.....
We order Garlic bread, Pizza (with 4 kinds of cheese.. Woolala..) topped with ham, and carbonara..
Si Shiok de lor....
Sorry, didnt take any pictures of the food, becuz once the plate was served, its gone in 5 sec... Hahahaha... (we ARE hungry)
Then for dessert, we walked over to Awfully Chocolate to have our ice cream...
Wat a dinner....!!
I likey chocolate.. Especially ICE CREAM !! Yumyum !
Back to the movies, as the movie climax, i feel someone clasping my hand tighter, and a sudden *wooooo* came out of nowhere.
I look over to my bf and there he was, admiring the Iron Man suit like i would to a Gucci bag.. =P
And then, he whisper to me..
"Baby, i want one of those..."in a very shirmaine wants something kinda way*
Me whispering back to him
"Can.. If u die earlier than me, i will custom make one and burn it for u.."
Des : Nabei ! *pinching my arm*
He actually confess to me that he got turned on just by looking at the suit.. He's crazy... Boys will always be boys i guess...
Me and my Crappy bf...
But i loveeee him and i know he loves me too... =D
The next picture was taken on the night I LOST MY CHANEL POUCH !!
Yes yes.. Im still upset over it.
I haven gone to the traffic police u know..
I have been driving without a license for almost a month now.. Oooppss...

I look super Chao Ta lor... Im sure i look darker now, i went swimming on Thursday and the Sun is damn strong lah !
Im going to blog abt the gathering with the Poly peeps soon... Interesting gathering i must say.. Hang on till then alright? I will do it as soon as i got the camera cable from des.
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