I realize that i can never blog on weekend or PH..
To lazy to upload pictures...
To lazy to type...
Let see...
We were suppose to attend Des's friend wedding but LAST MINUTE inform us that its the following week instead. -.-"
Wedding can say wrongly wan meh? Hai...
Hence we played Wii all the way until late afternoon then get ready and meet my girls for dinner and a night out at St James.
Meet them at Vivo and went to marche for dinner.
The Rosti is Yummlicious !!
Here, i want to apologise to Des for not trusting him when he say the Rosti there is good..
Sorry Baby ~

I knew it !! Bell hates me !! She take this chance to strangle me !!

6 beauty UNITE !!!!! ^.^
Oh~ Our theme for that night is "black" so it was not concidentally everyone wore BLACK ok...
And to fit our theme... How can we miss out "black" faces... =D

There u go...
Just the MARCHE logo is zhun zhun inside the picture too...
But i dun think marche would want this kind of black face as their spoke ladies...

We never left out Mr MOO MOO !!
Angela is carassing the moo moo's tummy !
Always knew she is a pervert with pervert likings... Hahaha..
After which we start our night at Power House !
Boyfriend and Me.
How come he looks like he is in pain or something...??

Me and my ladies.. I look extremely ugly in this picture hence i cut and paste another pic of mine..
Yes. I know im not a fantasic photo editor.. But at least prove that im not the prank who keeps going ard attaching celebrities head on a nude body right???

Des, me, angelyn and craig.
One of the eye at the right side of the pic belongs to angelyn..
Me and des's best friend respectively. =)

I love this picture...!
More of my Ladies...

Thats it for the night...
We left early becuz some of the girls need to work on sunday.
Ended the night with supper at al-ameen(Opposite beauty world @ bt timah) with des, ash, gary and angela.
Its vesak day and another round of 3 step 1 bow (like that describe also can hor? haha..)
I didnt want to go at first but mummy have no kakis so being a good daughter, I HAVE TO GO !!
So here we are once again...
Me, ash and mum this time round.
When we reach there the queue is long lor !!
Mummy ask the person and he told to start queuing from the 4th story down..
I told mum and ash to see my magic..
I went up to the group which was next to start... walked beside them and pretend to look for my shoes at the side (which was obviously FAKE !) then slowly without knowing... I pulled mum and ash into the queue when everyone not noticing... *PEACE*
Mummy was saying...
"Like that also can ar... Wa.. Come pray god somemore do this type of thing...."
Me : "well, if u are not happy with this arrangement... U can start queuing from the 4th story.."
Mummy : "Ehemmm.. Since we already queue liao... No point right? "
Me : "Humf... Act only.... If not becuz yr daughter is smart u can get this type of privilege meh??"
Anyway, Ming was there long before i reached... So i called him proudly and ask him have he started or not and that i am next...
He scolded me... Apparentally he is still far far FAR away from the starting line... Heheheheheh...
Ming : "U this fellow forever do such thing !! JI DAN (Egg) GAO !!"
Wah seh... Long time never hear him scold me sia... Miss his scolding... Hahahahaha...
Anyway, look at the ppl at the queue !!
Alot right??
Before the prayer starts...
Still can smile happily.. Finish see u can smile or not !!
Amazingly there is quite a handful of youngsters who go for such things.. Seriously, if it wasnt for my mum, i wouldnt go...
At the finish line.
Ash @ the end of it.
Me @ the end of it.
Yes, i know i look very shag.. COME ON LOR... 2 hours of continuously kneel and stand of coz shag lah...!
This will be my final year doing this. Becuz when u start, u have to go 3 yrs in a row. So this is my third and FINAL year, unless my mum pyshco me again. =S
Before i end this entry, i have to show u a pretty pic of myself in case u think i look like shite everyday...

Credits to angelyn for this pretty picture.. Hehehe..
This is going to be a short work week.. Batam spa trip this weekend with Des.. Spa~~ Here we come..
YAY !!
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