Des : Baby, im going out to sim lim for lunch.
Me : Orh... Ermmm... Sim Lim? Lunch?
Des : Ya, im going to look at the prices for wii. i need to get it out of my system !
Me : Serious ar? U going to buy it today??
Des : See how. At least check out the prices first.
Me : Orh..
Conversation @ 1315
Me : So how? Wats the decision?
Des : I call u back. Im in the midst of getting our new baby !
Me : Huh?
Des : Im making payment now. I'll call u back k? Love u.
Me : ??? Okie. Love u too.
Text msg recieve @ 1355
Yes ! I've got our new baby !!

*dancing happily under the mango tree* (i only have mango trees down my office and I NEED A CLEARER IMAGE OF HOW HAPPY I AM MA !)
Yup ! So thats is it..
We have a new baby just like that !!
Fast right??
Des is very different from me..
I will think for freaking ETERNITY before making such decision. Look at me when i want to buy my mp4, also ding dong for at least 3 months before getting it..
So we are a perfect match !
One will hold on the idea and list out the pros and cons and the another just buy when the former gets too irritating..
Same goes for my air tickets to Australia.
I keep telling des, wat if got sale after we buy? wat if another airline got cheaper? Wat if here, wat if there? Better dun buy first, check out longer first. Des is very irritated abt it now and decided on getting watever he can get from Misa Travel on sat.
He say by the time i FINALLY decide to buy, My bday is over.. -.-"
Anyway, back to our new wii !!
Yay !
Im so excited abt it. (although im the one who keep discouraging him to buy coz i think its a waste of money. But since he bought already, no point me keep anti-ing it, might as well make full use of its value ! wahahahahahah.)
I was wondering if i can cancel the movie tickets we booked earlier on today so we can go back early to play the wii..
Apparently we cant so we shall "challenge" each other after Speed Racer.. ^.^
Im going to look at games now... Des wants to order games for me TODAY ! Oh.. I've got a personal controller too... He got another extra one along with the set so i can play with him immediately today... =D
Oh Happy Day~~ Yay !
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