That explain my short-temperness.. In my logic, when i have dreams (watever dream it might be), it means i didnt slept well or i didnt rest well..
First night.
I dream one of des ex came running back to him, wanting to get back with him and didnt mind being a so call "mistress" in the relationship..
*stamping my feet hard on the ground*
And guess wat he answer her... (in my dream of coz..)
Des to the "not so important" girl : " Ermmm... I have one (pointing to me) and she is quite a handful to please. So i rather not have another trouble."
Although he rejected her BUT he say me difficult to please leh...
I very difficult to please meh...
The weird thing is, in the dream i was present during the whole conversation and i didnt start a cat fight or something.. Becuz in real life i probably beat the shit out of her... Im just kidding... I think if she slap me i will just sit one corner and cry for MAMA.. Hahaha... Ok.. im definitely NOT that useless...
Second night.
I dreamt of Shahril (my ex bf) and KeeLin..
Apparentally in that dream KL have been feeding him with information abt my life ever since our break up..
KL is a traitor !!!
Caught that "traitor" on msn today.
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
i dreamt of u the night before !!!
Kee Lin says:
Kee Lin says:
Kee Lin says:
how come?.
Kee Lin says:
im honoured
Kee Lin says:
but dont tel lme that i died in your dre3am
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
dun be honoured ! apparentally u are a traitor to me !!!
Kee Lin says:
u dotn have any big secret
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
u have been keeping on contact with shahril feeding him with tales abt how sad my life is...
Kee Lin says:
that's really really big
Kee Lin says:
that i can sell for you know?
Kee Lin says:
a million? Hahahaha
Kee Lin says:
1) sharil and i aren't even friends
Kee Lin says:
2) your life isnt sad
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
no leh... i dreamt he was freaking laughing at my sad life lor... (which i must emphasis MY LIFE IS NOT SAD AT ALL !)
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
Kee Lin says:
are you still hating him?
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
im tramatize
Kee Lin says:
or wat?
Kee Lin says:
coz what you daily think
Kee Lin says:
you will dream of it
Kee Lin says:
you know?
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
of coz not ! think i so free ar !! but in the dream he talked to me...
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
and i was like... woah !!!
¸.´*`· S h i r m a i n e ·´*`.¸ *loves says:
FYI, we (as in my THIS particular ex and me) are not on talking term ever since our break up. I always believe in being friends after each break up but it doesnt work on this one. God knows why.. We treat each other invisible on MSN too (im too proud to initate a talk i guess).
Anyway !! Zhong dian is my best biatch betray me !!! HUR...HUR...HUR...
Last night's dream.
I dreamt.....
I dreamt of.....
I shy lah....
I dreamt...
*in total whisper*
Jay Chou ask me for my contact number...
Its a FREAKING dream ok !!
Dun JUDGE me !!
I cant control wat i dream right????
When i woke up i was like thinking... Why wasnt it Lee Hom Ge asking me for my number...? DAMN IT !!
Im not really a fan of Jay Chou but him wanting to get my number is ok lah... The feeling quite SONG !
Enough of dreams...
Back to reality..
U all must me wondering hows my perm hair is doing...
Becuz due to my inexperience with perm hair...
I cannot get the effect i got from the salon the first day i did it.. ="(
*Taken this morning*
No very happening now right?? Hai....
At least its better than the first few days lor !!
I was whining abt my stupid stubborn hair to angie this morning... Saying after using 3 nabei products TOGETHER on my curl this morning, it can FINALLY able to hold the curls up !! SIBEI STUBBORN right?? Hai...
Anyway, she was telling me abt the major earthquake that hit Sze Chuan causing schools to collaspe and killing kids and teachers inside... And that the reporters actually took pictures of the little kids bodies being crush by cement.. More than 40,000 people were dead, missing or buried under the rubble.
OMG ! So sad... And im here whining abt my hair when ppl has more serious thing to worry abt... Im ashame of myself.. =(
First the the Cyclone in Myanmar, Then its the Earthquake in China.
Im going to read up more about the aftermath now..
Please not have a 3rd disaster...!!
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