I was asked to do this by Queena, so here it is... =)
a) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & NO CHANGING OF QUESTION. ANSWER IT TRULY.
b) tag people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- Slap him before kicking him between the legs and walk off. =)
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- to be successful in every thing that i do.
#3 what will your dream wedding be like?
- to say "I DO" on a yacht out in the open sea at sunset.
#4 are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
- confuse? why would i be?
#5 what's your ideal lover like?
- My ideal lover is already my lover. ^.^
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? -
- I rather have it at equal.
#7 how long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
- Depending on whether the love is reciprociated or not and whether it is worth the wait.
#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- not married yet right? So still got chance ! Haha !
#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- nope. perfectly happy with my life.
#10 is being tagged fun?
- i guess so.
#11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
- Happily married??
#12 who are currently the most important people to you?
- Family, Des, my girls and my friends.
#13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- Totally COOL ! =)
#14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
- single and rich (attached but not married counted right?)
#15 what's the first thing you do every morning?
- Open my eyes. lol
#16 would you give all in a relationship?
- of coz. wat nonsense.
#17 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- I go for the person who i think i will have a future with.
#18 what type of friends do you like?
- True and Loyal friends.
#19 what type of friends do you dislike?
- Pretentious people
#20 how many people you think they fall in love with you now?
- Do i need to know?
okay, the 5 people please do this quiz :)
- Kee lin
- Ashley
- Bell
- Jiayan
- Jamie
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Date: 24th May 2008
Time: 0740
From: Jurong East
To: Harbourfront

Thw long awaited day !! Yay !

Sunglasses to cover my eye bag... Slept late the night before becuz of my hair !! Have to blow dry then can sleep..
This curly hair is really getting on my nerves.. Wats worst.. I burnt the side of my face with the newly bought Thongs !! ARGH !!

LOOK !! Bad right??? Hopefully it doesnt leave a scar !!
Zhen Tamade !
Anyway, back to the batam trip.

BF and his "half" asleep face.
Reached Harbourfront, collect our tickets and went for breakfast at KFC.
Waited damn long for the ferry lor..
Batam "fast" ferry.

At last, we are on our way !! =D

Goodbye Singapore !!
I got bored after being on board for 5mins hence, out came the camera !!

After a few shots, Des give me the "Can we stop for now" look. I reluctantly kept it and took out my favourite mini book (for now)"SUDOKO" to keep us entertain. We were completing to see who finish a puzzle first and yes, u guess it right... I lost.. As usual.. Hai...
After an hour of sailing across the sea.. (it was unexpectedly calm.. No choppy waters.. I get seasick if the water is too choppy)
We reached Sekupang ! Yay !

In the resort bus.
We finally reached our destination !
KTM Resort !

The notorious resort pool !

Firstly, the water is green and its dirty.

Secondly, Amazingly the pool has its low tide too.
Thirdly and the most HORRIBLE findings.
Disgusting Creatures are IN THE FREAKING POOL !!!

Disgusting right?? This chamelon dun know die here how long already.
Body bloated somemore...
Look at its long tail...
Back to a nicer view..

There u go... Much better isnt it??
Checked in and off to our hut..
I was quite excited as i love checking out hotel/resort rooms. Its something i have high expectation on and....
Disappointment !!

Oh~ Did i mention i forgot to return the room key during check out? Blur right??? I left it in my bag and surprisingly, the receptionist never take from me either.. Only realize i had it when we are in the ferry back. =P So i happily brought the key back to Singapore. Hoho !

Yup, 2 snap of the room and its done.. Covers every corner liao.. Super right? Hahaha.. I dun even want to snap a picture of the toilet lor... PATHETIC man...

The view from the balcony is amazing... =)
We spent quite some time on this balcony reading our books.. Very peaceful and quiet UNTIL some noisy kids staying 3 cabin away start jumping and shouting as if they are tarzan !

I feel so rich !!
900,000 ok !! If only they are in S'pore dollar...
Pictures of us before we head out for lunch.

Went to the Seafood restaurant (the only freaking food outlet there !) for lunch..
Appearance is not really appealing but the taste isnt as bad.. Its quite good actually... =D
More pictures during lunch...
Im such a photowhore ! But i manage to pull des into it ! Hehehe...

And guess wat ! We made new friend...
He will always be there no matter u want him or not.. Most likely everyone will hate having him ard...

Everyone... Say Hello to Paul !
(Dun ask me why "Paul", i have no idea... That name just came into my head when i see it buzzing ard...)
Anyway, back to us...
Des was asking me to give a very sweet smile..

Sweet enough???
Look damn innocent right???
Then he irritate me by imitating my smile.

Please lor Bee... I dun look that ugly lah !!
At other side of the restaurant.. There is this props area where damn Cheena couple will have that during their wedding banquet. So of coz i must go up and take picture right?

Damn Cheena hor????
P/S : The skirt im wearing is actually a shorts so dun bother seeing if i got "Chao Keng" or not... =P

View from the restaurant to the Villa..
Presenting to u peasants !

All rise..................................
As we were walking abt to our hut,
We came across a playground, and in the playground there is a swing and.... SHIRMAINE LOVE SWINGS !!

Yippy !!

I love my curly hair in this picture...
U know... Im in dilemma.. This is a love and hate situation...
Anyway, After watching me having so much fun on the swing...
Des also wanna have a go at the swing too !

I told him this look like a 9 yrs old in a 29 yr old body... Hahaha...

See-Saw up and down~~~ U go up and i come down~~
I can see my house from here !!
I always wanted to take a picture of me jumping in mid air...
And honestly, I CANT JUMP !
Des say its a disfunctioning of the brain thats why i cant jump like others...
After a few shots with me jumping ard like a bloody monkey.....

YES !! Like finally !!!

Welcome to Batam Spa Siirrrrrr ! (in a very indon accent)
U know... Going to this spa trip thingy have let me seen alot of Des different sides...

The Emo Side...

The Awkward Side... (He is trying to act like the statue)

And the Artiste Side... =)
Ok... In case u all think my bf is a pervert... I was the one who force him to take these few poses... =S

View of the uniform huts facing the sea...
While waiting for our slot for the spa..
We took more pictures...
Come on lor... U are talking abt Shirmaine Seow leh... Obviously alot of photos right??

There's only me in his eyes..... =D

BF enjoying the sun...

This pic i love.....
Who says im not good enough to be a Motor Babes !!
Other than the slippers, i think this picture is absolutely flawless.......
So, time up and into the spa villa we go...
This time round, after looking at our lodging, we didnt have high hopes at all !
And surprise surprise...
I was utterly speechless...

Our Villa was facing the sea !! As in literally drop stone over the ledge is the SEA !!

View was fantasic, The jacuzzi was fantasic, The ambience was fantasic... At that moment... Everything was fantasic !!

Even my feet was well taken care off !!
The masseuse uses salt and vanila to scrub my feet.. Lucky angie wasnt there is not the masseuse would just drop dead that instant... OOpppss... Hahaha...

Got change and into the jacuzzi bathtub we go...

The shower cap is just ugly lah...
Des say i look cute... He say i look like a mushroom... -.-"
I think he ply too much mario kart on wii already lah !! Mushroom his head !!

I love him and the foam in my hands can prove it !!
The whole experience were good though... The masseuse is really a professional one...
But hor... I feel shy leh... Only wearing a disposable undies (embarassing lor !) somemore can see thru abit wan leh !!! *shy*
Worse still, when she ask me to flip over... Thats when my Boobies is like fully expose to her.. Then i must act like i have done this million type so must keep a straight face... She got no reaction, dun know whether is see ladies boobies until sian already or mine is not impressive at all... HUR..HUR...HUR........
But at least she commented on my ass very jack !! She was telling the other masseuse something abt my ass in malay.. (i can understand a wee bit ok ! My perankan blood not for show only hor... Dun play play !)
So i told des in Chinese : "Kanna see until finish somemore kanna comment on my ass sia !! I feel insulted !!"
Des replied :"At least never say yr ass very saggy... If not i think u would go jump off the sea lor..."
Which was absolutely true ! The only asset my proud abt it my ass and my nose... Nothing else...
Anyway, Massage went awkwardly good...
We went back to the hunt and i ask des....
Me: Baby, how was the massage...?
And his reply....

Des: "It was goooood"
With this picture as prove !! Hahaha...
Sunset at Batam Spa Villa..

Amazing isnt it??

I hate this picture... My double chin is like appearing everywhere !! Hate it !!
But Des love it so bo bian....
Post lor... -.-"
Dinner time at the same resturant again......
Pathetic sia... But this time, we decided to order more food !! ^.^

BF showing off his lean arm...
Tell u all a secret...
He is actually flexing his arm !!! To make it look strong.......
Hahaha... Im so dead....

Our yummilicious dinner !! (Like a said before... Looks can be decieving....)
Everyone who have their meal there ordered a coconut so i die die also want coconut !!

Engross with my coconut..
And when Shirmaine is engross with her coconut... Dun disturb me !!
Just then, the same group of ANNOYING kids appear behind me...

I am unhappy..........
This picture was not taken on purpose... This picture was taken unknowingly by desmond ho !
And it become his fav pic of the day !
He thought it look damn real... No hidden drama inside it... -.-"
I told him Of coz lah... I look like a Villian who is out to hate the whole children population lor...
Which is not true ok !! I like kids... (said it in a very uncertainty way...)

Hmmmmm.... Which side is bigger??? ^.^

Touch my body........ *In a very Mariah Carey way*
*Day 2*

The morning shot of the same view... I know its always the same view but different timing got different look ma !

This was before i jump on him and make him wake up for breakfast ! Hahahaha... *evil*

OOOOOoo... I love this scenic shot !!
Who took it??
I did I did !! Hahaha..
After breakfast, we went to the dock for some fresh air..
And again, my camera went snap snap snap !

We loved his this shot.

Des said this was a perfect shot but the thigh ruin it !!
Come on lor... Its the thigh that made this picture so special ok !!
Seeing such a fantasic day it was, we decided to buy an ice cream each, sit by the sea and read our book.

Colours of the sky..

As we were doing last minute packing... Des suddenly ask me to stand at the balcony while he run down to get something...
Puzzled at wat he is up to.. I stood there and watch IMPATIENTLY as i have many things not packed yet !

And there he was... On a mission...

Wat mission?
A mission to make me smile... ^.^

And he did !!! Awww....
He's so sweet lah~~~
So many ppl was looking out of their balcony look at wat he was up too lor...
But he didnt care... He just went on and on...
Awwwwwwwwww.... *dropping a tear of happiness*

Me: "Awww baby... Now everyone knows u love me..."
Des: "Not only that... Now everyone knows our name..."
And we spend the next few minutes discussing other possible name with "DES" and "MAINE"

Picture Perfect !
Need i say more??? =)

A kiss to thank him for being such a sweetheart..
We headed for lunch again...
Yes... All about eating... eating and more eating.....

While waiting for our cab to Batam Centre.
We didnt bothered to go for the city tour which was in the package hence, we went to batam centre meganart for our own shopping leisure.
We had something which Singapore doesnt have anymore !!

~ A&W ~
How can we go off without having A&W?
Now... Our trip is complete ! =D

On the ferry back to our sunny island !!
I enjoyed this trip.. It was a short, sweet and memorable one.
And it is definitely highly recommended by us..
Although i should warn u guys again abt the lodging.. But if yr budget is not high and u want to go for a relaxing retreat? This is perfect !!
P/S: This took me one WHOLE day to post it. I reckon i will be busy for the next following days... So enjoy~~
Wednesday, please come soon so i can see my bf and also lay my hands on the instant noodles from taiwan ! Yay ! =)
Time: 0740
From: Jurong East
To: Harbourfront
Thw long awaited day !! Yay !
Sunglasses to cover my eye bag... Slept late the night before becuz of my hair !! Have to blow dry then can sleep..
This curly hair is really getting on my nerves.. Wats worst.. I burnt the side of my face with the newly bought Thongs !! ARGH !!
LOOK !! Bad right??? Hopefully it doesnt leave a scar !!
Zhen Tamade !
Anyway, back to the batam trip.
BF and his "half" asleep face.
Reached Harbourfront, collect our tickets and went for breakfast at KFC.
Waited damn long for the ferry lor..
Batam "fast" ferry.
At last, we are on our way !! =D
Goodbye Singapore !!
I got bored after being on board for 5mins hence, out came the camera !!
After a few shots, Des give me the "Can we stop for now" look. I reluctantly kept it and took out my favourite mini book (for now)"SUDOKO" to keep us entertain. We were completing to see who finish a puzzle first and yes, u guess it right... I lost.. As usual.. Hai...
After an hour of sailing across the sea.. (it was unexpectedly calm.. No choppy waters.. I get seasick if the water is too choppy)
We reached Sekupang ! Yay !
In the resort bus.
We finally reached our destination !
KTM Resort !
The notorious resort pool !
Firstly, the water is green and its dirty.
Secondly, Amazingly the pool has its low tide too.
Thirdly and the most HORRIBLE findings.
Disgusting Creatures are IN THE FREAKING POOL !!!
Disgusting right?? This chamelon dun know die here how long already.
Body bloated somemore...
Look at its long tail...
Back to a nicer view..
There u go... Much better isnt it??
Checked in and off to our hut..
I was quite excited as i love checking out hotel/resort rooms. Its something i have high expectation on and....
Disappointment !!
Oh~ Did i mention i forgot to return the room key during check out? Blur right??? I left it in my bag and surprisingly, the receptionist never take from me either.. Only realize i had it when we are in the ferry back. =P So i happily brought the key back to Singapore. Hoho !
Yup, 2 snap of the room and its done.. Covers every corner liao.. Super right? Hahaha.. I dun even want to snap a picture of the toilet lor... PATHETIC man...
The view from the balcony is amazing... =)
We spent quite some time on this balcony reading our books.. Very peaceful and quiet UNTIL some noisy kids staying 3 cabin away start jumping and shouting as if they are tarzan !
I feel so rich !!
900,000 ok !! If only they are in S'pore dollar...
Pictures of us before we head out for lunch.
Went to the Seafood restaurant (the only freaking food outlet there !) for lunch..
Appearance is not really appealing but the taste isnt as bad.. Its quite good actually... =D
More pictures during lunch...
Im such a photowhore ! But i manage to pull des into it ! Hehehe...
And guess wat ! We made new friend...
He will always be there no matter u want him or not.. Most likely everyone will hate having him ard...
Everyone... Say Hello to Paul !
(Dun ask me why "Paul", i have no idea... That name just came into my head when i see it buzzing ard...)
Anyway, back to us...
Des was asking me to give a very sweet smile..
Sweet enough???
Look damn innocent right???
Then he irritate me by imitating my smile.
Please lor Bee... I dun look that ugly lah !!
At other side of the restaurant.. There is this props area where damn Cheena couple will have that during their wedding banquet. So of coz i must go up and take picture right?
Damn Cheena hor????
P/S : The skirt im wearing is actually a shorts so dun bother seeing if i got "Chao Keng" or not... =P
View from the restaurant to the Villa..
Presenting to u peasants !
All rise..................................
As we were walking abt to our hut,
We came across a playground, and in the playground there is a swing and.... SHIRMAINE LOVE SWINGS !!
Yippy !!
I love my curly hair in this picture...
U know... Im in dilemma.. This is a love and hate situation...
Anyway, After watching me having so much fun on the swing...
Des also wanna have a go at the swing too !
I told him this look like a 9 yrs old in a 29 yr old body... Hahaha...
See-Saw up and down~~~ U go up and i come down~~
I can see my house from here !!
I always wanted to take a picture of me jumping in mid air...
And honestly, I CANT JUMP !
Des say its a disfunctioning of the brain thats why i cant jump like others...
After a few shots with me jumping ard like a bloody monkey.....
YES !! Like finally !!!
Welcome to Batam Spa Siirrrrrr ! (in a very indon accent)
U know... Going to this spa trip thingy have let me seen alot of Des different sides...
The Emo Side...
The Awkward Side... (He is trying to act like the statue)
And the Artiste Side... =)
Ok... In case u all think my bf is a pervert... I was the one who force him to take these few poses... =S
View of the uniform huts facing the sea...
While waiting for our slot for the spa..
We took more pictures...
Come on lor... U are talking abt Shirmaine Seow leh... Obviously alot of photos right??
There's only me in his eyes..... =D
BF enjoying the sun...

This pic i love.....
Who says im not good enough to be a Motor Babes !!
Other than the slippers, i think this picture is absolutely flawless.......
So, time up and into the spa villa we go...
This time round, after looking at our lodging, we didnt have high hopes at all !
And surprise surprise...
I was utterly speechless...
Our Villa was facing the sea !! As in literally drop stone over the ledge is the SEA !!
View was fantasic, The jacuzzi was fantasic, The ambience was fantasic... At that moment... Everything was fantasic !!
Even my feet was well taken care off !!
The masseuse uses salt and vanila to scrub my feet.. Lucky angie wasnt there is not the masseuse would just drop dead that instant... OOpppss... Hahaha...
Got change and into the jacuzzi bathtub we go...
The shower cap is just ugly lah...
Des say i look cute... He say i look like a mushroom... -.-"
I think he ply too much mario kart on wii already lah !! Mushroom his head !!
I love him and the foam in my hands can prove it !!
The whole experience were good though... The masseuse is really a professional one...
But hor... I feel shy leh... Only wearing a disposable undies (embarassing lor !) somemore can see thru abit wan leh !!! *shy*
Worse still, when she ask me to flip over... Thats when my Boobies is like fully expose to her.. Then i must act like i have done this million type so must keep a straight face... She got no reaction, dun know whether is see ladies boobies until sian already or mine is not impressive at all... HUR..HUR...HUR........
But at least she commented on my ass very jack !! She was telling the other masseuse something abt my ass in malay.. (i can understand a wee bit ok ! My perankan blood not for show only hor... Dun play play !)
So i told des in Chinese : "Kanna see until finish somemore kanna comment on my ass sia !! I feel insulted !!"
Des replied :"At least never say yr ass very saggy... If not i think u would go jump off the sea lor..."
Which was absolutely true ! The only asset my proud abt it my ass and my nose... Nothing else...
Anyway, Massage went awkwardly good...
We went back to the hunt and i ask des....
Me: Baby, how was the massage...?
And his reply....
Des: "It was goooood"
With this picture as prove !! Hahaha...
Sunset at Batam Spa Villa..
Amazing isnt it??
I hate this picture... My double chin is like appearing everywhere !! Hate it !!
But Des love it so bo bian....
Post lor... -.-"
Dinner time at the same resturant again......
Pathetic sia... But this time, we decided to order more food !! ^.^
BF showing off his lean arm...
Tell u all a secret...
He is actually flexing his arm !!! To make it look strong.......
Hahaha... Im so dead....
Our yummilicious dinner !! (Like a said before... Looks can be decieving....)
Everyone who have their meal there ordered a coconut so i die die also want coconut !!
Engross with my coconut..
And when Shirmaine is engross with her coconut... Dun disturb me !!
Just then, the same group of ANNOYING kids appear behind me...
I am unhappy..........
This picture was not taken on purpose... This picture was taken unknowingly by desmond ho !
And it become his fav pic of the day !
He thought it look damn real... No hidden drama inside it... -.-"
I told him Of coz lah... I look like a Villian who is out to hate the whole children population lor...
Which is not true ok !! I like kids... (said it in a very uncertainty way...)
Hmmmmm.... Which side is bigger??? ^.^
Touch my body........ *In a very Mariah Carey way*
*Day 2*
The morning shot of the same view... I know its always the same view but different timing got different look ma !
This was before i jump on him and make him wake up for breakfast ! Hahahaha... *evil*
OOOOOoo... I love this scenic shot !!
Who took it??
I did I did !! Hahaha..
After breakfast, we went to the dock for some fresh air..
And again, my camera went snap snap snap !

We loved his this shot.
Des said this was a perfect shot but the thigh ruin it !!
Come on lor... Its the thigh that made this picture so special ok !!
Seeing such a fantasic day it was, we decided to buy an ice cream each, sit by the sea and read our book.
Colours of the sky..
As we were doing last minute packing... Des suddenly ask me to stand at the balcony while he run down to get something...
Puzzled at wat he is up to.. I stood there and watch IMPATIENTLY as i have many things not packed yet !
And there he was... On a mission...
Wat mission?
A mission to make me smile... ^.^
And he did !!! Awww....
He's so sweet lah~~~
So many ppl was looking out of their balcony look at wat he was up too lor...
But he didnt care... He just went on and on...
Awwwwwwwwww.... *dropping a tear of happiness*
Me: "Awww baby... Now everyone knows u love me..."
Des: "Not only that... Now everyone knows our name..."
And we spend the next few minutes discussing other possible name with "DES" and "MAINE"
Picture Perfect !
Need i say more??? =)
A kiss to thank him for being such a sweetheart..
We headed for lunch again...
Yes... All about eating... eating and more eating.....
While waiting for our cab to Batam Centre.
We didnt bothered to go for the city tour which was in the package hence, we went to batam centre meganart for our own shopping leisure.
We had something which Singapore doesnt have anymore !!
~ A&W ~
How can we go off without having A&W?
Now... Our trip is complete ! =D
On the ferry back to our sunny island !!
I enjoyed this trip.. It was a short, sweet and memorable one.
And it is definitely highly recommended by us..
Although i should warn u guys again abt the lodging.. But if yr budget is not high and u want to go for a relaxing retreat? This is perfect !!
P/S: This took me one WHOLE day to post it. I reckon i will be busy for the next following days... So enjoy~~
Wednesday, please come soon so i can see my bf and also lay my hands on the instant noodles from taiwan ! Yay ! =)
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