The night was spent BBQ-ing at Alex's place.
*Our usual BBQ spot, nice place plus.... ITS FREE !! heehee...*
I was suppose to bring fondue but last minute changes so i didnt have to bring.
And guess wat i bring to contribute that night??!!

Bunny Seow !!
I mean seriously, we ARE celebrating easter day.
So naturally there must be an easter bunny so there u go...
Easter Bunny Seow !
He is so useful in SOOO many ways..
Mainly for photo purpose nia lah~
Say until as if he can jump up and start cooking and serving us like that..

Bunny by the big golden chocolate egg and a chocolate house which i honestly dun know how bell is going to finish it..

Together now.....
Bunny in a straw basket.

And of coz... Bunny with Mainey...
Bunny seow waS so popular that night lor... Every wants a piece of him..
I think he must be singing Britany Spears...
*You want a piece of me*
When the rest is busy painting their Easter Eggs..
Im having my own good time taking picture with BF..

Eyes anymore smaller i wont be able to find it on my face !!

This pic looks as though im the guy and he's the woman hor?

The *qian da* face.
~You want a piece of me~
That stupid song keep going over and over in my head !!

The girls with their individual Easter Egg..
I'm too embarrass to pose with mine so i took the big golden one instead. =)
After this session with the painting of eggs, i can conclude that there is NOT EVEN A SINGLE ART CELL IN MY BLOOD !
To think that i was in Art & Craft during my younger days..

*Behind the Scene of actions*

Me and our 4 Easter Eggs..
3 of them is painted by Des. I must say, he has a better sense of artistic skill compare to me.
The ugliest one is mine...
Thats it for Good Friday... =)
Today is another rotting day for me AGAIN !
I seriously love to rot rot rot nowsaday...
Feel like im 43 instead of 23 man...
Oh dear ~
Has it been 20yrs in a forenight ??
*rolling my eyes*
I cannot believe im this lame !!
Anyway, Des came over and drag me out for a movie..
I think he's on the verge to kick me into the toilet already lor... Yesh ! im that lazy~~

Caught this movie. *Water Horse*
This show is like Free Willy lah ~
Boy find egg.
Eggs hatches.
Boy got attached to baby "watever it is".
*lets call it W.H. Short for Water Horse*
W.H got too big for tub.
So boy free it to the loch.
Ppl tries to catch it.
Then it jump over a metal net to be free.
Ok lah~ Its obviously better than wat i just mention..
Not fantasic but watchable.
Oh !
And this story was said to be true. Based on the legend of Loch-ness monster.
After which we went for dinner at "OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE"
Yes yes.. Des practically drooled on the menu...
We ordered Fries with cheese and bacon topped with sour cream first...
Oh My Goodness....
Then ordered him a steak and me chicken...
Drinks if free flow ok !!
$3.90 free flow damn worth it right??!!!
I love chicken ~~
As in "Po Po Ke" and not those stand by roadside kind hor...
After a filling dinner...
Si Bei filling ok !!
We went across to Candy Empire..
We just grab like nobody business lor...!
Technically, it IS no one business... Our money wat !
Oh gosh~ i need to tell des this..
Bee !! I not only love debating with u... Im debating with myself now !! Argh... Im crazy.... =/

This is the amount of snacks we bought..
Not counting those left at my place...
And yup... Its 4 in the morning !!
I cant believe i stayed up so long to blog leh~
Actually its becuz i took a "short" nap from 1030-1am just now..
Desmond lah ~
Say take 1 hr nap then wake up watch Sweeny Todd dvd (ooopss.. i wonder where i got them...)
In the end woke up at 1 plus so no need watch liao lor...
Ok.. Going to sleep now..
Going to Kusu island tmrw with my whole family...
"Like Woah~~~"
So exciting....
So excited, i cant sleep leh.... *Ok.. if u think im really excited then u are just dumb ok... Who likes going to some kuku island on Easter Sunday !! Damn it !*
But the king say all must go.. Who can say no... =(
Before i go...

Happy Easter Sunday PPL !!! =)
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