The wait is finally OVER !!
My New lappie has entered my life on Thursday !!
*Hip Hip Horray*
P/S: Im using her to type out my entry now !
Its name is "Sunshine"... Becuz it brought sunlight into my life ! (exaggerating? when u are being tormented with a super laggy cum shitty lap top u will feel my pain)
Ok then ! Everyone say hello to Miss Sunshine !
*In an imaginary tone... "Hello Miss Sunshine !"*
Toshiba M600 **** (I have no idea wats the full model name.. heehee...)
Sleek and Beautiful.. Just like me.. =) *shameless*

Goodbye IBM ! Hello Toshiba !!
May we have a few good years together until my bf decided to get me another one again.. =)
Oh... Des bought me Miss Sunshine.. It was suppose to be my Valentine's day pressie. But he decided its not nice for me to wait till march for it so hence he got me my W960i too...
Yes yes.. He's spoiling me and im loving it !! Wahahaha...
Just hope this is not my gifts for the next one year.. U know, like valentine cum birthday, cum christmas cum anniversary... =S
Thanx beebee... Miss sunshine is beautiful ! *muackz*
Speaking of which, my beautiful makeover photos are out !!
*beaming widely*
Here we go.... *singing to the tune of Will.I.Am*
*Baby, where'd u get your body from.. Baby, where'd get yr body from*
*I've got it from my mama... I've got it from my mama...*
I always thought the song suits me... Hahahaha... *slap me hard*
Anyway, des thought this photo look like the cover of "Her World" magazine...
Aiyoh ! Where got lah.... Dun said that... Im shy......... =P
And last but not least, my absolutely fav picture of all !!
The one i chose to be blown up to 8R..
Oooo... I likey likey...
Overall, im quite satisafied with the outcome. Although i have to admit, my face look damn round lor !
But cant be help lah.. This is not magic, fat face have to live with fat face... I have accepted the fact.. =)
I wonder why they never use photoshop to make my face smaller... *Damn it*
PP/S: Above comments is strictly my own thick-skin-ness... BUT U HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMMENT ANYTHING BAD UNDERSTAND??!!
Cheers mate !
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