Anyway, makeover wasn't as exciting like how it seems. Have to smile throughout the whole 40 shots. Worse still, after many smiley shots, the photographer wants u to give that "cool look" which seriously, i can never pull it off.. I look as though i wanna get slap by ppl.
In the end, i gave the kind of wanna smile dun wanna smile face.. Hai... But all turn out well.. Just hope the pics look nice... =) Pictures will be out in 2 weeks time..
And oh !! Do u know......
1 extra 4R print out picture is 12 bucks !!! Crazy right??? Might as well i scan and save as soft copy send to develop them at a normal shop.. Less than $1 lor !! Nonsense......
Here are some random shot i took before my turn to use the studio.
Even on my sis wedding i didn't apply make up this thick lor !!
I was telling des, slap me and the haze will come back... Yes, very nonsense, i know... heehee...
My companion throughout the whole photoshoot.
U know how they say women money is the easiest to earn.. Even with the voucher, i still have to top up about $100 !! Hai.... I was telling myself NEVER summit to temptation... But after being "psycho" by the lady, i went for the more expensive package... -.-"
On our way back to the west side.
My candid shots !!
"Super-star" me.
"Mousey" me.
"Piggy" me.
Yes. The shots are abit dumb but SO !! I like !! =P
Des was saying..
"Wah ! Just now photographer ask u relax and smile, u cannot do it... Now, keep taking picture like nobody business... "
But this idiot.. I love... Heehee..
SMILE !!! We're on candid camera.... =D
Ok... I hope this next picture dun gross u ppl out..
One night, i came back from work. I sat in my room reading the papers. I heard a sudden "flapping" sound.
I stopped reading and look around, nothing, so i continue reading...
Then i heard the "flapping" sound again...
I looked over towards the window side. And all of sudden i saw this extremely big cockroach climbing on my wall...
I mean it when i say its BIG lor...
*Ewwwww* Goosebump !!!
*Scratching nose repeatedly* (i always have that effect whenever i see creepy crawlies)
Wats worse !!! The bloody huge cockroach can bloody fly !!!!!
Oh my god........ *disgusting*
I had to wake my maid up to catch it for me...
And this, ppl..... Is my disgusting friend !!!!!!!!!!!!
*Credits to my maid for catching it with her bare hands and her bravery to hold it up so i could snap a picture of this disgusting piece of yucky creature !*
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