Only manage to attend the night dinner becuz it was my sis last day in S'pore so have to acc her or she will KILL me...
Anyway, went over to his place in the late afternoon to take the car so i can drive over to the hotel. Cabfare nowadays SIBEI expensive lah.
Beware of female driver.. Especially super vain ones like me... Driving and taking pic at the same time...
SOLID right?? Hahaha...
Des was nagging non-stop when he saw this picture...
Relac lah bee... Im an expert... Heehee...
Des and granny who took care of him since he was a kid..
Granny means alot to him u know.... Her pic is in his wallet "window" instead of mine ok !!
Im not jealous mind u~~ Its stupid to be upset over this matter...
Im going to buy him a new wallet and put my pic there first !! See he dare change or not... Kekekeke... *evil... Pure evil...*
Ok... Just joking... I wont do such things lah!~~ Although its really not a bad idea... =P
~ Baby Ho And Baby Seow ~
Wooo~~ My Mr Cool !! Heart Heart Heart !! ^.^
Cheers to the gf who is seated ALONE below...
Okok... Im not as bored as i say to be... Many of his relative took turns to acc me... Haha...
Erica & Me.
Somehow i find myself looking more mature than usual in this pic..
Maybe becoz im sitting beside a young girl ba... Hahaha...
Last but not least...
My FAVOURITE picture of the evening..
Im so going to develope this pic big BIG and hang it in my new room... OOooo.. Love the sound of that... MY NEW ROOM !!
The night ended early for me becuz i have to wake up early to send my sis off.. So i drove the car back home.
The next morning, after sending my sis off, i drove over his place to return the car.. Suppose to take a short nap then get up for work..
But cried too much until eyes swollen, head heavy so text my boss tht im not going to office...
So in the end, des and his parents went off to work leaving me alone in the house... Heehee...
Shiok man... Went down to look for food.. Watch Hary Potter while having lunch...
But of coz i did work too ok...
I clear his MESSY cabinet !!!
From this.....
To THIS !!!!
*proud of myself*
After that take afternoon nap then wake up ard 3 plus and went down again to play with his new dog who just arrive to the house that day !!

Copper Ho ~
He is super cute i tell u.... Just 3 months old but super smart... His tail so so long somemore... *cute dao~~~*
Oh~ Copper wont be taking over Max place in our heart of coz.. They just thought that with a new pup in the house, the house wont seems so quiet.. Which i totally agree... =)
And im sure copper will be happy here cuz everyone including me loves him sooo much... Wad not to love leh~
I slept late that day, Took afternoon nap, Clear his messy Closet, Play with Copper, Tidy his bed...
I officially lived a Tai Tai life for a day...
Back to reality~~
Back to office doing work...
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