Boss just left for a meeting, im suppose to go with him but considering the fact that a have a million things to do (and im still blogging... Somebody shoot me plz...) so i stayed back at the office..
(If only he sees me blogging away now... Hahaha.. )
Work has been piling up.. Nowadays i dun get a chance to practice "OTD" (On The Dot) anymore... By the time i leave office it would be like wat... 7 ish.. Thats sad... But its actually quite amazing becuz i just started working like 2 weeks ago.. Everything is interesting to me so far.. I love the pace and i love wat im doing... =) And boy am i glad i got this job...
One things im honestly thankful is that des is patient with my current job... Waiting for me in the car for an 1 hr plus without grumbling a word on days which i have to do sudden OT... Thank u bee..
Some random gifts he bought me yesterday... =)

CHOCOLATE !! My all time favourite !!
Nothing beats choco man !!

And my new Nalgene bottle.. And its PURPLE !! =) =) =)
Look cindy !!! I also got Nalgene bottle le... Bleah.. *childish ! slap head* (Anyway, She always dissed me of my usless bottles i use to bring to work... Saying that they causes cancer or something...)
And the background is my "lok cock" lap top which i complained abt last entry... Going to get my new lappie during the IT fair in March !! Woooo.... Yeah......
Got to drag my colleague out for lunch (ITS ALMOST ONE !!) and hopefully come back and finish my million task on time... I want go OTD today....!!! ~mission impossible~
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