Yes yes.
I know its a wee bit late but at least better than nothing right? =)
New Year, New Job.... HUAT AR !! Hahaha..
Yup.. Im officially in Events line now... Work scope is great ! (For now that is...)
It always goes like this... Intersting in the beginning, suffering later on, and soon we get bored of the job... Oh well, as long i'm loving the job now.. =)
My company is freaking small lah ! I mean REALLY small.. From the amount of ppl in the company to the floor plan... ITS REALLY SMALL LOR !! After coming from Pioneer, im seriously stunned to know such company actually exist.. Of coz i know events company are small.. But to this extent? Thats something new...
But small company has its pros and cons... Benefit of coz not as good as a MNC company but other than that i guess its all good... =)
Ok... Need to rant on some things...
First - LOCATION !!
Its at freaking BISHAN !! To be exact its Jalan Pemimpin.. (DO U HAVE ANY SLIGHTEST IDEA WHERE IS THAT !!! NO RIGHT?? )And where do i lived.... JURONG EAST !!! My god...... *hands on my head pretending to faint* I have to take the Red line and I HATE THE RED LINE.. Its so freaking long from one station to another.. I start work at 930am.. I have to leave my place at 8am !! How sad is that....??
To and fro, Traveling takes about 3 hrs++.. Hai.......
Secondly - Lap top !
We are required to bring our own lap top.. And guess wat !! My lappie is in such "Tip Top" condition that it takes 3 mins to complete switched on and LOAD !! And takes another 4 mins to switched off !! Did i mention the "hanging" part ?? *damn it*
I need new lap top !! But looking at my current finance condition.. (being jobless for almost 2 months) I can only wish and continue looking at my useless lappie...!! *hang head really down until my neck its about to break*
Thirdly - Transport !
U know as Project Executive (OMG... Love the sound of it !! Hehehe..) we need to travel around alot to meet clients. And my office is like really not very convenient so its really very vexing thinking about it... So i guess sooner or later i need a car.. Maybe buy bicycle sua.. So much cheaper and healthy, just that after traveling on a bicycle, i will only head to one destination.. ~HOSPITAL~ *rolling eyes*
But BUT BUT !!!
After much ranting and said... I love my job !! Yes, i know i will have to sacrifice plenty of my time but at least im enjoy wat i do... Although i have yet to do hands on on any project but just love the planning and stuffs.. Got a first D&D to handle this coming fri.. *wish me luck and hope i dun make a big booboo on that day*
Anyway, Have yet to wish Ashley a very happy birthday here !!
First one among us to turn 23 !! Old maid.... Wahahahahhahaa....
Celebrate her birthday yesterday at Partyworld... Sang from 7pm to 12am ok !! Becoz the other 3 was late so we extended the time..
Me and Ash was having this conversation when the bill came... Angelyn and Angela was singing duet at the background..
Ash : " Wah~~ $25 leh.. Quite ex hor... "
Me : " Ok lah.. Considering its a weekend.. Plus night somemore.. "
Ash : " Ya.. But still... "
Me : " If u think abt it... We very WU HUA leh....... We sing for 5 hrs straight and paid $25.. The other 3 paying the same amount but sing only 2 hrs plus.." Sniggering really happily until....
Angela : "Wa lau eh !! This type of thing can dun say so loud not !! KNS !! Si Bei Cheapo leh maine... "
Me : Oooopppssss *laughing uncontrollably*

My Girls...
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