Busy Busy Busy with work lah~~
So to make up to u readers... This is an all pictures entry... =)
Celebrated Bell's Bday on sat at her place.
I went late becuz i have to work !!! When i reach, everyone was already done decorating their cupcakes and happily taking pictures already lor...

Me desperately decorating my last min cupcakes.......
*Im damn bad at it lor... Even Angie one is nicer than mine !! (And hers is horrible looking lah~ can u imagine mine??*
I forced Des to eat mine already... Hahaha...
I was too tired to put on full make up so my make-up artist (angelyn) did it for me... And she amazingly manage to cover my horrible eyebag ! =)
Thank u lynn lynn !!
Now im readying for photo-whoring...
I look damn slack when i reach bell's place that i refuse to take any picture !!!
Introducing me ladies.............. Names for the night.
Angelation. (I dun know why this name !)
Sheila-Wu la la.
Bellicious. (Yes, Bday girl is washing our dishes... Hoho )
Last but not least. Mainey-Babeee.
And this are the lovely ladies i grew up with. We always manage to have lots of laughter together.. Behind all those makeup, we are a bunch of crazy girls having fun. =)
And the theme of the night............................................
Masquerade with Chilli hot RED lipsticks !
*Wolf Whistle*
This is the first time in my ENTIRE life i wore RED lipstick.
Des say i look like a whore ! Tamade !! Like that say this own gf !! *slap him*
And not forgetting the mask to go along....
U know, wearing red lipstick brings out a totally different look lor !
Come, i show u...
Me with normal Full-Make up..
Im talking to my dear sister btw... =)
Behold the difference !!
Fierce right???? =P
The thing abt wearing red stick is u tend to pout yr lips out like this.... So for the next few pictures, there many pouting of lips..
Our Emo-Side. But honestly, we are trying very hard not to laugh !!
Wuuu~~ We are not as fierce as we look ok... DUN JUDGE US ! If u know us in person, we are actual lovely little creatures.... =)
Self bake bday cake by the bday girl herself !
Bday wish !
Full costume group picture !
Look ! Angelyn pose so nice and i pose like a freaking auntie ! WHICH supermodel fold her arms like this !!!! I look like a duck lor !!
The two angels look like they are abt to attack lor ! See... Ash smile until so sweet.....
Its a strawberry affair !!
Sheila and Mine !!! Dun know how we are going to do it this year.. But most probably on the same weekend cuz i wont be in singapore for my bday weekend !!! AUSSIE Yay !!
Bf came to fetch me home. So to credit him for being such a nice bf....
Our latest and most decent picture. =)
This was taken on our way in to Malaysia with my family.. Which i have YET to blog becuz im super busy ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok~ Done with my entry... Back to work !
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