Hai... Wat is it with Playstation? They can go on and on for a few hours man... Nvm... Forget abt them...
So here are the pictures !!!
Did i mention before that we took 70 pictures !! Hai.... We are so vain..... But i likeEeEe... Hahaha....
3 is never a crowd.... Threesome anyone? Hahahaha.... As in phototaking only hor... Dun anyhow think ar...
Okok... This next picture is interesting....
On the surface it looks like Me & Bell are cam-whoring right??
Well... Look again !!!!
Tadah...!! Notice the 3 "extra" ppl acting strangers at the background !!! This photo is suppose to have this effect... Hahahaha....
And more pictures......
Dun roll yr eyes lah.... I warn u theres alot of pics liao right???
Farewell party must add on with a present isnt it?
Our gift to bell.... She says she will bring it over to Greece with her... Dun lie ar !!! Better bring hor....
Theres another surprise at the back of the photoframe !! But she refuse to show it... HAhahahah...
Last but not least....
I wish her all the best in her future endeavours...
Not to forget to keep in touch... (dun say no time hor !!! email very fast de ar !!)
and come back soon !!!
Gathering is never the same without u darlin !!
Love u !! Muackz !!
Yeah !! I kept my promise and went blading at East Coast Park !!
So proud of myself... *patting myself on the back*
Early in the morning 10 o'clock.....
Wad lah... 10am to me quite early le hor..... Bleah....
Think the sleepyhead beside me dun really wanna go... But still went there just to make me happy !!
Im all set and ready to BLADE !!!
*Peace out*
Look !! Im so good at it hor ??? *Smiling proudly*
Ermmm... Just in case u are wondering.... I AM MOVING OK !! Just that all the road and street lamps look the same so it looks like im not moving lor !!
For the whole session, i only fell down ONCE !!
Here's a victory sign !! =)
Im good.... Im good.....
But i dun think im a blader material so i shall skip this sport....
Oh ya... Aloy didnt blade... Becoz he worried if he blade, he could help me up if i fall.. So he WALKED beside me, carrying a big bag containing water and our stuffs throughout....
On our way home...
The Next Big Thing...!!
It has been building for quite sometime le...
I dun think i will have the guts to take it...
Im abit "hum ji" leh... But i know Aloy surely wanna take de... Hai... So sad....
I know this picture is abit ugly but hor.... I had i hard time aiming the camera right leh...
So i die die wanna post it up !!!
Ok... My bf has finally abandon his PS2 for the night... So its only right that i abandon my blog too.. Hahaha....
Tata !!
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