There was this praying session at my aunty's place so i got to bring mummy over. Reached there ard 10 plus and the prayers only starts at midnight... That explains why i reach home at 2am....
But anyway, the overdue pictures from sat !!
I fetch them all up at 4pm and we made our way to Katong for the famous Laksa.. Although i have been there a couple of times but not once i drove there so.... Expectally... I got lost !!! -.-"
We are on our way...!! Oh ya... The only man in the car is Angelyn's bf... His damn lucky right? Got 4 pretty ladies to acc him that day... Wahahaha...
I miss the turn even when they ask me to make that turn 3 times !!! Wats worst, I actually replied : "Orrr... ok"
And i still missed it !!!
Damn ! Im bad with direction !!!
Finally after all those turning and getting lost.. We made it !!!! =)
Spokespeople of Katong Laksa !!
Motto of the day : Try it !!! Its bagus !!!
Contented birthday girl and her tasty laksa !!
See !!! I so nice... She wants to have Laksa for her bday, i bring her for laksa !! Not everytime hor !!! Think my petrol free ar !!!
Bday how can go without a bday cake right?
So off we went for dessert !
We went to Canale cake shop located at Robinson Walk...
I went there a couple of times and the cake there are just superb lor !!
Bday cake, girls and me !! All smiling happily for the camera !! We always do... Hehehe...
After which, we went to catch the show The Reaping... Angela's treat !! Thank u !! Hahaha...
I went home to return daddy his car first then we all made our way to JP by BUS !!
Yes ! Of coz we continue snapping the camera away... We wont stop ok !! Hahaha...
Bus Ride !! Snap Snap Snap away !!!
She just keep appearing everywhere in those pictures !!!
And angelyn happily allows it... If i were angelyn, i will ask her to get lost..!! But she's just too nice lah... As if !!! Hahaha...
Sheila didnt make it that day... Bell is in Greece so its just the 4 of us... =) But trust me !!! It will never be boring !! Hahaha...
* Maine & The Bday Girl, Angela *
No flabby arms and No Disgusting DC in sight !!
So... Conclusion.... I loveeee this picture !!!
Yup ! Thats the end of the Sat outing....
Ok ! i have to explain the next picture...
Im not trying to act irritated but i REALLY am lor !!!
I want to take a nice decent pic with Aloy, but he keeps running ard and hiding behind me... So by chance i manage to capture this image which i find it very funny...
I kind of like it though.. Its on my hp wallpaper now... Each time i sees it, i cant help smiling... Hahaha...
I love that irritating guy !!! Hahaha...
I shall end my entry with a DECENT pic of us...
*Ding Dong*
Lunch time over...
Got to get back to work now... Hai.... *yawn* Boring.... Kkz... Ciaoz...
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