Im on half day today...
If only everyday we have to work until 12pm only...
I think i will be the happiest employee ever...
*wishful thinking*
Took half day becoz i have to accompany Cheng Jia to his OCS commissioning Ball later on tonight...
I know its at night but the ball starts at 1845 and i finish work at 1745...
One hr where got enough time for me to reach home get ready...
So.. I took half day... =)
Although i know aloy is not quite happy abt it...
Which bf will leh !!
But being the most understanding bf, he did not say one word of disapproval..
And i love him for that...
No more next time k?
I promise.....
Anyway, I usually take the MRT home from work...
Since i have all the time in the world today, i decided to take the bus home...
I love bus rides...
If given me to choose bus or the MRT, i will choose bus...
But due to my frequent lateness (ahem... everyday i mean...)
MRT is a much wiser choice...
As i was saying...
I have never been to the top deck of a new SBS bus before...
As in usually when i have the chance to take the new SBS bus, its only from the MRT Station to my workplace..
Which is like 2 bus stop away... (Ya lah... i freaking lazy... SO !! Cindy also wat...)
Hence i see no point in going upstairs...
Ok... Enough of my Ah ma story....
Today !!
Im lucky enough to be able to sit the new SBS bus for the whole 30 mins journey !!
(Sorry ppl, im easily contented)
A picture of another New SBS bus on the opposite lane...
Just in case any of u have no idea wat does it look like or u have not seen it before...
*clouds of memories floating through my head*
During my Sec sch days...
After school dismissal...
The bus will be jam packed with student from various school...
Im usually found standing on this steps which is labeled...
" No Standing On Steps "
Who actually cares man !!
Whole bus damn jam up...
Im lucky to even on it at the first place lor...
Theres even the "face to face" seat on the top deck..
Those seats are usually located at the lower deck..
I dun really fancy those seats becoz its the same concept as MRT...
Imagine if i sleep and start drooling (I SAY IF AR!! THIS NEVER HAPPEN BEFORE OK !!) and the ppl opposite me can see my unglam side...
No good... i dun like... Hahaha...
Other than that... i kind of like this new bus....
I lke the fact that its very spacious...
A picture of me in the bus....
Oh god...
i hope i dun look like that when i go to the ball tonight..
I look hideous !!!
Ok ppl...
Hopefully i can squeeze my camera into my tiny bag later..
If not then too bad....
No pictures...
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