I have been having high fever for the past few days already....
On THREE days MC !!
Damn it....
Although i used to like MC but not when i have so many freaking deadlines to meet..!!
Furthermore, i hated it when im really sick...
Sick until i cant get out of bed that kind...
The weird thing is...
I went to work feeling super healthy on monday...
And that night BOOM !!
High fever came !!
I seriously dun know why it came so sudden...
And i have to fall sick during CNY !!
Very @#$%$&*% wan leh...
If u know me well... im quite piang tang de...
Imagine going to the clinic for 4 days during CNY !!
All my good luck kanna wash away already lor !!
Choi Choi Choi !!!
*slap mouth*
So anyway, on tuesday i went to my company clinic near my house..
I was given some fever and flu medicine and 2 days MC...
Went home and rest but the fever did not go down even after medication...
During the night, my condition worsen...
Vomited almost 7 times during the night...
And at ard 4 plus in the morning i couldnt take it anymore hence my parents sent me to NUH..
i really dun wish to step in there becoz going clinic on CNY very jia lat already...
Now ask me go hospital !!
But bo bian... too weak o reject...
Reach there, got 2 jabs on my arse...
One for the vomiting and another for fever...
Slept on a super small and uncomfortable bed for ard 2 hrs becoz the doc wanna monitor my temperature..
Then i went home with a bag of horrible medicines...
But at least the jabs made me feel much better.....
Now im having slight fever, the flu bug is still sticking to me and cough...
At least i can move ard the house this moment...
Past few days im like dead lor !!
Just lying there not able to move much...
Hopefully i dun fall ill again...
Cindy says im very weak...
Very easy get sick..
Which is true though...
Just taken my medicine...
Think im going to sleep again...
Later if im feeling better, i want go downstairs buy TOTO !!!
10 million bucks ok !!!!
You Mai You Xi Wang....
Mei Mai Mei Xi Wang....
Maybe after going through so much, i may win the jackpot??
*wishful thinking*
Take good care ppl..
Its too painful being sick...
Trust me....
I know...
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