I know its abit "early" to wish u all now but ppl yesterday must go Pat Tor ma.... Hahaha...
Actually valentine day is just another normal day which u wake up and still have to go to work.. Unless u take leave or u Keng MC lor...
Think they should announce it as a public holiday to make it extra special... So as to fit the EXTRA expensive flowers sold on this occasion and also the EXTRA expensive food served that day.... Right??
But after watever i said, i still celebrate it... wahahahahah...
Anyways, aloy sent flowers to my office yesterday !!! Sweet right?? My bouquet arrived @ 1030am by the BACK DOOR !! YES !!! the freaking back door....
Which delivery man in his freaking right mind will sent a lady her flowers through the back door???
Then he some sort shouted through the door... " Ms Shirmaine Seow ??"
I mean seriously.... Professional abit lah... U think u at market lelong lelong ar?? ARGH... Angry...!!!
Back to the my main topic and forget abt the delivery man....
He hold the card as if he is presented a cert like that...
Excuse me boy, this is not a presentation ok !!! Where got cert so nice wan?? Hahahah
So, he came out from camp, fetch me and we headed to suntec for dinner...
I decided on Ichiban becoz i feel like having Sushi !!
Even the menu... Seriously, need to go such extend???
Ya... i think need... if not couples like ourself where will dine there leh.... Hahaha...
Aloy is eyeing the food served to the person sitting next to us.... Think he starting to drool abit le... Hahaha...
Hai..... So we ta bao go somewhere else and eat our ice-cream...
Pathetic !!!
Went up the the "roof" of the esplanade... My first time there and also my first time seeing so many couples around lor.... We stayed there less than 10 mins come down liao... abit bo liao right?? stand there see the sea???
OK.... its a lousy take !! SO !! i like wat.... cannot meh??
I got one Lagi nice picture with his all squeeze up eyes and face... But he forbid me to post it... I have to beg him to let me keep it leh... Sad hor?? Hahahaha...
Please look out for the pimple on the nose in this next picture...
Now u see it.......
I recieved another bouquet when i reach home that night....
Please look out for the pimple on the nose in this next picture...
I recieved another bouquet when i reach home that night....
From someone who never fail to stop sending me flowers on V'day after many years...
Thank u for the flowers lionel.... =)
Thank u for the flowers lionel.... =)
But dear, i still like yrs best !! even if yrs come from the back door.... =P hahahahah...
Ok... Going to get ready and leave my house already... Got to drive over to my aunt place to collect some stuffs for our CNY reunion dinner....
Why i didnt go after work straight then now then go right??
Whispering - " im scare of the CTE jam lah"
And hopefully i get to go chinatown soon !!! I haven been there yet leh...
So sad...
Im a chinese !!! i have to go chinatown during CNY !!!
Im a typical chinese ok.... Hahahaha...
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