Apparentally, it was suppose to be a surprise party planned by Craig (her bf)..
In the end, think she suspected it coz she say craig is a bad actor... Poor thing....
But must applause for his effort....
Super sweet....!!!
Aloy !!! i also want something like that for my birthday !!!

Presenting the lead character for today's party....
Angelyn Kok Li Fen !!!
Oh ya.... She's ranking 2nd among we girls... So.... Happy 22nd Er Jie !!!!
When she entered the room, we all sprayed the party thingy(no idea wat the hell is it called) at her... Well, we ended up sweeping and cleaning the whole room... If not, we have to be fine $50 leh!!
Even if we are cleaning... We still like to take pictures... Vain dao....!! Hahahaha...
After cake cutting comes.....
CAKE FIGHT !!!!!! Fight dao luan man !!!! im the camera woman so i not involve.... *hengheng* hahaha....
See !!! Messy right?? Just clean up the room then messy again.... Buay Tahan them man.... Think the service crew must be cursing us to the max liao... hahaha...
Some misc pictures to share.... Had a bad eye day that day... Abit swollen... hate it when my eyes are puffy !!! I look like a freaking goldfish...!! Hai....
Anyway, had great fun there and hopefully we do such outing more often... Except for the cake fight of coz.... We can jolly well skip that part... Hahaha...
And this morning.... i was forced to get up early and go running with aloy.... Yes !!! And its a sunday !!! He is a torturer i tell u !! Hahaha.... As u all know me, im definitely not the sporty kind of girl... I love to rot... I just dun like to do anything which require too much muscle work... I dun wait up early just to go running or to play sport... That is just so not me.... But I will wait up early just to watch my tv program and THAT is so me... hahaha...
But when yr bf wants to go... and the reason he gave for making u work out is "Dear ar... U like getting fat hor... Better do something abt it..."
Zi Tao bo bian lor !!! KNS.... Go lor.... -.-"
So.... at 9am, i was already in the car tightening my seat belt.... hai....
*Gosh* its tiring to face the sunday morning sun.....
He doesnt look very alert and awake too hor???
I really dun wanna go....!!! Hahaha...
Oh ya... Pardon my sunnies... It is to help me hide my un-makeup face.... I didnt even draw my eyebrow !!! U know... i wouldn travel out of 1km away from my house without my eyebrow !! Things i do for love.... =)
Im so ungroomed !!! Messy Hair + Eyebrowless = Fugly... sad....
Went to bukit gomak stadium at first.... Then due the the recent heavy downpour... The stadium was close....
Wa lau eh !!! im was happy dao........ keep thinking no need run le... Can go home and continue my beauty sleep... In the end.... I was safely driven to another stadium nearby... CCK sport complex !!! Kao !!! Speaking of the distance !!! Tamade.... Never been to so far without eyebrow before lor !!!
Sorry for the repeat mention abt the eyebrow... Its a very sensitive issue to me... U know... When im caught in the rain, i will protect my eyebrow before anything else... SERIOUS !! i really envy those who have thick and full eyebrow which require no drawing... Mine is pathetic lor !!!
Anyway anyway, Before heading for home... We went to pump petrol at a nearby kiosk... And we entered this super old caltex at along woodlands rd if im not wrong !!! Its like an anique lor !!! So interesting....
I told u it was old.... Hahaha... And i heard from the uncle who tend the kiosk that this Caltex is like 40 yrs old !!!! that is really old leh.... And that there is only 3 such petrol kiosk left in singapore... We actually make payment over a counter behind the pump wor(see top right image).... So cool right??
One last thing before i go... When i reach home from my running, daddy actually made breakfast for us !!!
Awww.... So sweet right??? He can be so nice at times.... Hahahah.... love u daddy !!!!
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