Since it was only 10am when i realize i had to do something.... I called Mr KL up and ask if he would like to accompany me back to NP to had it fix at MEL centre...
He gave me whole lot of shits on why should he accompany me.... (which he do it all the time)
But being a Mr Nice Guy... He did !!! Wat a great friend..... NOT !!!
Went there... And guess wat ??!!! Its C.L.O.S.E !!!!!
Freaking Hell... I mean.... Why do they close on weekends?? Dun they see that maybe some graduates (who are working by the way) may need to have their lap-top fixed !!!! Do priority always give to students !!! Ok fine ! Its a freaking sch and they only entertain students... Watever...!!!!
So ! Anyway, since we are there... Why not recall our damn sch days...?? Hahaha...
Join me on my memory tour around Ngee Ann Poly !!!

During our last year in NP, this new block was built !! We were the first batch to use it !!! Could still smell the paint of the new classroom now.... Hahaha....
Great !!! Taking abt bias man !!! To think we had to use our notes to shelter ourselves when it rain heavily... Covered walkway....??? Shiiitttt !!!
Canteen 1 !!!! Place which u can often find me during lunch.... The Yong Tau Foo there is just superb !! And cheap !!! Hahaha....
My all time favourite !!! Mee Soto !!! It cost only $1.20... And it still does now.... But then, the taste alittle off liao... Maybe my tastebud changes now that im older??? Hahahaha.... Nah..!! Just bullshitting.... But it really doesnt taste the same anymore though....
He's satisifed with his meal !!!
And everyone "really" following this instruction... like duh !!!!
Thats Miss Leo on the poster.... And till now.... Its still scares me.... Wahahahaha.... Please dun mind me... Im exercising with her.... Hahaha....
Block 47 toilet amazed me the most !!! Take a look !!!
Wa kao.... Things they do after i graduate.... Damn it !!!
Lets not talk abt how this pic was taken alright?? Hahahaha....
And THIS !!! this is the classroom which me and aloy exchange our first smile..... OMG.... It was so sweet... KL was his classmate for this module, hence i took the chance and crept into his class to see him(aloy).... *shy* And before he left the class, i manage to caught his eyes and... *sparks flies* Hahahahah....
FYI, KL didnt fail this module.... This lecturer was just threatening him... Hahaha...
This lecturer doesnt like me and KL and obviously, We didnt like him either.... Hahaha...
Oh ya.... During those sickening days.... We had a theme song... Just to calm ourselves before that stupid lecturer's class... Yes !! It was that bad....
This was the song.... Hahahaha...
My tea break tibits store... =) This is where all my tyres ard my waist was formed... Hahaha... And as usual.... The first few rows are always empty... -.-"
We just simply love posing.... wahahaha...
Thats abt it ppl !!! Memory lane on my poly days....
Anyone interested to go with me on a Boon Lay Sec Sch tour next??? Ash !!! Interested??? Hahahaha....
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