After sending Aloy to camp, i was forced by my mother (also an auntie !! But she's not the topic today...) to accompany her to IMM for a few household stuffs.... When i reach the entrance of GIANT.... I stood there with my mouth wide open...

So, this Aunty, said to her son,
"hmmmm.... i think those with less than 10 items should queue at Express counters hor?? think will be faster... Just now hor... i see the queue like not very long leh...."
I !!! SHIRMAINE SEOW !!! Being a naive little girl !!! actually believe HER !! I Left the queue and went to look for the express counter....
SEE !!! Only a few items right??? All household stuff... Only one extra nail remover... Hehehe... Anyway, guess wat i saw at the express counter ???
An EVEN longer queue !!!! I cant even see the tail of the queue lor !!!!
@#!$%$@!$## !!! KANNA BLUFF !!!! Nonsense..... Tell lie will cut tongue wan hor !!! Especially bluff little girl !!! KNS !!!
Ok... Heres the 2nd incident... Went up the bus today.... Saw this ANOTHER aunty enjoy her bus ride sleeping... Sleep until damn shiok until i cannot dun notice her...
Minutes later.... She woke up and started munching on her "Da Bao" (big bun) ON THE BUS !! Not that im complaining or stuff becoz i myself eat on the bus ma.... WAT !! YOU ALL NEVER BE4 MEH??? Dun act lah... hahaha....
So, as i was minding my own business, listening to my MP3.... something suddenly hit my feet... I look down and......
Tat aunty actually eat finish her bun and throw the wrapper on the bus !!!! Somemore aim at my feet !!!! KAOZ !!!! Eating as well as littering can fine up to $1000 u know !!!!! Win liao lor..... Hai.... Singaporean aunties !!! Tamade....!!
Anyway, back to a happier post... Yesterday was Aloy's dad bday !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE !!! (as if he can hear me... hahaha) We all went to Sakae Sushi at CWP to makan... *yumyum*
I feel abit useless though... The whole family eat raw fish leh !!! Im the only one who dun eat... Heheheh... *shy* Seriously, i love sushi... just not the raw kind... Aloy say i waste money going to a sushi restaurant to eat cooked food... PPL DUN LIKE MA !!! Oookkk... Pictures time !!
Aloy's parent... Look like him ma??? hehe...
Picture of us before heading out... =)
Alicia and aloy's mummy....
I just love his "monkey" face.... Cute dao...........!!!!!!!
Doe, Re, Mi.... Or is it Mi, Re Doe....??
Hai.... Soon Alicia will be taller than me.... I've reach my limit height liao... Think Amanda can still grow... Wa lau... Give me some face leh girl !!! Next time take picture i think i better sit down.... Hahaha...
EVERYONE !!! Take a look at my bf's face.....
Bloody hell... Is it a torture taking picture with me Mr goh !!! U better change yr attiude huh...!!! Smile properly !!!
Hmmmm... So much better isnt it??? Hahaha...
Love u !!! =)
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