Anyway, unfortuately for him... I got hold of his book....

Chinese, Mathematics and Science respectively.... Super good right??? Im speechless.... FYI, he is only in primary 3 lor..... * Shaking Head *
Play Play Play lah !!! Daddy spoil him too much le lah.... Ask me to teach him.... Then when i teach... Daddy ask me to dun teach anymore becoz i too fierce !!!! NO LINK !! The worst thing is that fatty actually quite smart... But use his little smartness on STUPID things.... Answer ppl number one, answer question like shit !!! Hai....

Think his teacher trying to put things in a nicer way.... COME ON LOR !! ITS SO FAKE LOR !!! Keen on watching tv and playing his gameboy is the actual fact lah !!!
Never in my life seen such results surface in Seow Family before.... Kow tow to him man.... So bloody clever to talk.... Talk talk talk.... Going to sew his mouth one day !!!
His year end holiday is BURNT i tell you !!! Going to buy him mountains of revision books to do....
And daddy.... STOP SPOILING HIM !!!! ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY.... So free then come spoil me instead lah... HAIZ.................!!!!!!!!!
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