Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My company have this clearance sales or something... They auction out display sets to the staffs.. So i went to look ard becoz my mum wants me to get a DVD set for her...
Went there... Thought it will be hard to ballot since theres so many ppl in the office.. Furthermore, one person only can ballot for one item once... Hence i ask my other colleagues to help me ballot for the DVD player... I cant even remember the number of ppl who helped me ballot.... -.-"
And i also ballot for the plasma tv WITHOUT checking the quality of it !!! i just anyhow put a set to auction... Wats worse !! i anyhow ticum and choose a lousy one !! WA KAOZ.... But thinking... so many ppl ballot for it, i surely cannot be so lucky to get de...
Results came out today.........
I GOT 8 (YES !!! E.I.G.H.T.!!!) DVD PLAYERS !!!!
*Pengz* wat am i going to do with all this !!!
I never got anything from lucky draw before.... NOW !!! i got soooo "lucky" and gets everything !!!! Wat de !!!
I was actually on MC today.... after hearing the news... i went back to office to try to "salvage" the matter...
Hai..... wasted trip... couldnt do anything.... Ballot is ballot liao le.... so no choice.... Somemore im using other ppl names to get it so i cannot just ignore.... hai............... IM SOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID........!!!!!! ARGH !!!!!!!!
Fever went up, Flu got worst, Body got weaker.... The only thing that remain as it is, was the amount i got to pay... SAD !!!
I got nothing to say to myself already... Shirmaine Seow = Stupid idiot
Poor aloy, got to tolerate with my short temper... Im usually quite cranky when im sick plus this stupid shit happen !!! ARGH !!!! sorry dear.... =(
Anyways, Joan (my saviour of the day) helped me with my Plasma... She did some alliance here and there and help me to sell off to another person... *grateful smile* Thank u girl !!! NI REN ZHEN DE HEN HAO !!! *honestly* really thank u wor !!! MUACKZ !!!!
Hopefully i can find owners for all the Players soon...
Daddy's going to help me sell to his friends...
Aloy's dad also got from me too...
Ah heng promise to help also.... =)
Mummy's buying 2 sets....
I NEED TO CLEAR ALL OF THEM ASAP....!!!! Or i'll be soooo broke !!!
*Praying hard*
Oh ya.... In my previous x 5+ entry... i said abt my maybe 2 sec of fame in PSS2... Well... I got it... The stupid camera shot my face upclose lor !!!! kaoz.... i hate my face on tv !!! look so big !! like a Big Bun like that... SHIT !!! Lucky my D.C is well-hidden... hahaha....
Anyway, tml we are heading to mediacrop at 1130pm to attend the result show.... Next day still have to work....*shake head* things i do for my friend... hahahaha.... Hopefully i get better tml... I'll be driving ash, her bf and bell there... So must be extra careful... AND that Ash says this to me....
"Girl ar... i still young and pretty... Haven marry BH yet.... i dun want to die early hor...."
Yup... She IS my best friend.... -.-"
Last but not least....
GOOD LUCK SHEILA !!!!!!!! WE WILL BE HERE FOR U !!!!!!!!!!! JIA YOU !!!! ADD OIL !!!!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
And.... i actually found out something....
This was wat happen..
She boiled a potato but it was only half cooked when she sliced it into half(unprofessionalism... haha)... And it look like this....
LOOK !!! Interesting right??????? the obvious separation between the cooked portion and the uncooked portion !!!! The outer layer is the cooked one...
Cool hor??? i find it cool lah.... Jie says im an idiot for reacting this way... Becoz i took out my cam immediately to snap pics on it... keke...
Okok... This tree is located along the route from my home to the MRT... Wat so special abt it right???
I zoom in for u (with my S10 !!! Hao lian right?? haha)
*YumYum* tempted to climb up the tree to pluck them !!! I did pluck before though using bamboo stick... but got a thrashing from daddy when i bring them home... He say if kanna caught plucking will have to go jail... hahha...
Hmmm... Every half a year... New mangoes will appear on the trees... And everytime it appears i know time passes le... Before i know it.... Years gone by... =)
One thing i dun understand.... They plant mango trees there but dun let us pluck !!!! Wat the... So many of them hanging down from different branches all ard leh.... Not one tree wor... A whole lot of them lor !!! Have a look if u passes there... Hmmm... bus 99 heading towards clementi will pass by them...
But its government property !!!! DUN THINK ABT IT !!!!
One more thing before i sign off...
Chervons is not, i repeat, NOT a safra club.... Please dun be an idiot and go there thinking it is....
How i know???
Well, experience tells it all... Im the idiot....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

And my job scope is to Pick Shit...
REALLY PICK SHIT LOR !!!!! Usual dayz... i've got cindy around so not so bad... And we pick shits together... BUT !!! She's on exam leave for 2 weeks and i have to pick addition shits !!! Nice right?? But i dun blame her lah... Not her fault... FYI, Cindy's shit is really shitty lor.... and she do it without complaining... Unlike me... Hahaha...
Heres the mini floor plan

This stack of papers are only 10% of wat i had printed out lor !!! They are all in A2 size somemore...
And this !!!! I streaded all this paper !!! So much right???? Its a mountain them lor !!!! I love the environment... I love mother nature... But !!!! I killed many trees today.... =(
Monday, November 20, 2006
Statement : No one was hurt during the photo shoot.
P/s : FYI, Bunny and Billy are now good friends...
Anyway, this is the best shot i made whole week.... i find it very heartwarming... hahaha... Presenting... Mr and Mrs Seow....
Loving right??? Hahaha... It was raining causing the floor to be slippery... and mummy is holding onto daddy so he wont fall... Soooo Sweet.... hmmmm... Daddy's a little drunk... Keep nagging at mummy... Hahaha... Super cute...
Anyway, went to beach road yesterday to sew aloy's rank... Dun really know wat rank is it... He just says...
"With this rank, i will get higher pay... still miserable, but at least higher"
Ya... More shits coming along with it too !!!!
Watched James Bond "Casino Royale" on sat... Actually i find it not that bad leh... Khairul says its not very good... who am i to comment anyway?? Im not a hard core James Bond fan... So... I just shut up and watch... haha...
BUT !! i have to comment this... His body was like woah... The girls was like woah.... I mean... How long they need to get a bod like that....?? i also want !!!! Hai... But i got no will... my laziness got the better of me...
Imagine... 3 cousins of mine is in the fitness industries and i look like that... This is pathetic.... Hahaha...
Picture of us in the cinema... I dun know why i didnt on the flash... Hey !! Im a considerate cinema goer ok !!! =)
Oh ya !!! I lost my set of keys !!!!!! Nothing valuable but my KEYCHAINS !!! SHIT !! Sniff...Sniff... Total i have 4 keychains tied to it...
1. A Me to u bear holding a heart. (with me for 4 yrs leh !!!)
2. Another me to u bear chain... a puzzled de !! Lost the partner le... =(
3. A La Bi Xiao Xin(Comic boy with thick eyebrow) keychain.... (Sprinkle with god water wan leh !!!)
4. A keychain with the name "Aloy" on it... =(
If found... please let me know.... Haiz..........
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ermmm.... Looking at its name doesnt mean its only available for lunch hor..
Its amazingly niceeee !!!! *Thumbs up*
I only know 2 branches at town....
One at Shaw House @ basement (Lido) and other is at Taka @ basement also...
TRY IT !!!

Okok... Im going to teach u how to prepare it so u wont be a "mountain turtle" when u are there... I so nice right?? FOC somemore !!!!
This is how its being served to u at first... Notice that the beef is still raw... Not to worry... Its suppose to be like that... Hmmmm.... Suppose to have spring onion in the plate too... But i dun like it so i had it removed....
Firstly, Add sauce to it.... Two choices... Honey Sauce or garlic sauce.... i prefer honey... =)
Mixed it well... Make sure the beef is fully cooked before consuming...
Tada !!! Its ready !!!!
Eat slowly orh..... Its hot !!!!! See... Liyan loves it !!!
Before u know it.... Its GONE !!! *BLURP*
Satisfying meal.... Bring satisfying smiles................. Hahaha...
Me and Liyan....
Super nice christmas tree @ Taka !!!
Tats all....!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Anyway, unfortuately for him... I got hold of his book....

Chinese, Mathematics and Science respectively.... Super good right??? Im speechless.... FYI, he is only in primary 3 lor..... * Shaking Head *
Play Play Play lah !!! Daddy spoil him too much le lah.... Ask me to teach him.... Then when i teach... Daddy ask me to dun teach anymore becoz i too fierce !!!! NO LINK !! The worst thing is that fatty actually quite smart... But use his little smartness on STUPID things.... Answer ppl number one, answer question like shit !!! Hai....

Think his teacher trying to put things in a nicer way.... COME ON LOR !! ITS SO FAKE LOR !!! Keen on watching tv and playing his gameboy is the actual fact lah !!!
Never in my life seen such results surface in Seow Family before.... Kow tow to him man.... So bloody clever to talk.... Talk talk talk.... Going to sew his mouth one day !!!
His year end holiday is BURNT i tell you !!! Going to buy him mountains of revision books to do....
And daddy.... STOP SPOILING HIM !!!! ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY.... So free then come spoil me instead lah... HAIZ.................!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 13, 2006
After sending Aloy to camp, i was forced by my mother (also an auntie !! But she's not the topic today...) to accompany her to IMM for a few household stuffs.... When i reach the entrance of GIANT.... I stood there with my mouth wide open...

So, this Aunty, said to her son,
"hmmmm.... i think those with less than 10 items should queue at Express counters hor?? think will be faster... Just now hor... i see the queue like not very long leh...."
I !!! SHIRMAINE SEOW !!! Being a naive little girl !!! actually believe HER !! I Left the queue and went to look for the express counter....
SEE !!! Only a few items right??? All household stuff... Only one extra nail remover... Hehehe... Anyway, guess wat i saw at the express counter ???
An EVEN longer queue !!!! I cant even see the tail of the queue lor !!!!
@#!$%$@!$## !!! KANNA BLUFF !!!! Nonsense..... Tell lie will cut tongue wan hor !!! Especially bluff little girl !!! KNS !!!
Ok... Heres the 2nd incident... Went up the bus today.... Saw this ANOTHER aunty enjoy her bus ride sleeping... Sleep until damn shiok until i cannot dun notice her...
Minutes later.... She woke up and started munching on her "Da Bao" (big bun) ON THE BUS !! Not that im complaining or stuff becoz i myself eat on the bus ma.... WAT !! YOU ALL NEVER BE4 MEH??? Dun act lah... hahaha....
So, as i was minding my own business, listening to my MP3.... something suddenly hit my feet... I look down and......
Tat aunty actually eat finish her bun and throw the wrapper on the bus !!!! Somemore aim at my feet !!!! KAOZ !!!! Eating as well as littering can fine up to $1000 u know !!!!! Win liao lor..... Hai.... Singaporean aunties !!! Tamade....!!
Anyway, back to a happier post... Yesterday was Aloy's dad bday !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE !!! (as if he can hear me... hahaha) We all went to Sakae Sushi at CWP to makan... *yumyum*
I feel abit useless though... The whole family eat raw fish leh !!! Im the only one who dun eat... Heheheh... *shy* Seriously, i love sushi... just not the raw kind... Aloy say i waste money going to a sushi restaurant to eat cooked food... PPL DUN LIKE MA !!! Oookkk... Pictures time !!
Aloy's parent... Look like him ma??? hehe...
Picture of us before heading out... =)
Alicia and aloy's mummy....
I just love his "monkey" face.... Cute dao...........!!!!!!!
Doe, Re, Mi.... Or is it Mi, Re Doe....??
Hai.... Soon Alicia will be taller than me.... I've reach my limit height liao... Think Amanda can still grow... Wa lau... Give me some face leh girl !!! Next time take picture i think i better sit down.... Hahaha...
EVERYONE !!! Take a look at my bf's face.....
Bloody hell... Is it a torture taking picture with me Mr goh !!! U better change yr attiude huh...!!! Smile properly !!!
Hmmmm... So much better isnt it??? Hahaha...
Love u !!! =)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Lets take my dad as example....
When i get stress up during exam periods during sch dayz....
He will come up to me and say....
"Mei ar.... Daddy know its tough.... Even if u did not do well, as long as u do yr best..."
But when i get my result and i did not do well.... Its another different case....
" Ask u to study and yet u play play play... See lah !!! Results like shit !!!"
Lets talk abt another case....
When i didnt bother taking my driver's license.... He will keep nagging abt how a license is important... Saying it will benefit in my future path and also able to go anywhere i please easily on my own... Blah blah blah....
When i actually have my license.... He goes....
"Mei ar..... Think its too dangerous to drive.... Nowadays many car accidents.... If can.... Dun drive too often..."
Okok... Heres another interesting one !!
He's always complaining that im not at home all the time...
"Why u always go out ar !!! Cannot stay at home meh??? Yr backside itchy ar?? Or outside the oxygen more??? u cannot breathe at home is it??? "
Today !!! i stayed at home the whole day.... (trying to salvage my bloody eye bag actually)
Anyway, he came home at noon while i was taking my LONG nap...
Came up to me and touch my forehead....
"Mei ar.... Why are u sleeping at home??? U sick ar??? Are u okay??? Its Sat today u know??"
Wat are fathers thinking actually??? Hmmmm.... But i still love him many many...
Although sometimes me and my sis just cant understand his logic but he's the one we respect alot since young...
We always listen to him even though sometimes he is overbearing...
But we know he wants wats best for us...
Well, also becoz we cant possibly listen to the mum who only talks abt korean drama right??
Opps.... Mummy's going to kill me... hahaa...

Did U Know : We are the ones who force her to join this competition (claiming credits now... hahaha)... We were quite upset she that she didnt join the first one... Im glad she did this time !!
The Stage.... FYI... Becoz of my readers... i secretly took this pic because we are forbidden to do so... SEE !! u all mean so much... The risk i take for u guys.. Hahahah....
Just look at my eye bags !!!! Hai.... They are going to be bigger than my eyes le lah !!!
Me & Bell... My best study companion during sec sch days.... We used to call each other every one hour throughout the night, just to make sure we are not asleep and studying during exams period... hahaha... Those were the days....
Sorry for the blur image.... Hai.... Dun know who is the unprofessional camera man !!!! Hehehe...
My besty friend Ashley and her BF.... Pretty bo??? hehe..
Hai..... Those eye bags are really sickening !!!! SAD !!!
Poster girls..... Holding posters also counted wat !!!!! Right???
Support F5, Sheila Ou Qian Yu !!! VOTE !! VOTE !! PLEASE VOTEEEEEE !!!!