Halloween 2008!
Yes, my very first halloween celebration and where else would u rather be on Halloween? (except for extreme ppl who goes to the cemetery lah~)
All girls nite out so bf not included
If u are wondering wat the hell im dressed as....
Many says i look like girl guide ! -.-"
Uniform theme that night..

Well, at least i bothered to post a few right?!
And yes, i know my aussie trip is long long LONG over ...
Here are a few more pictures for yr viewing pleasure (Really a few.. Dun expect too much..)
Beautiful isnt it?
I meant me...
Its damn bloody cold...
We got out to take a couple of photo and my fingers nearly dropped off becuz its sooo cold ! Serious !!
And the coolest place we agreed on for our trip is up the Snowy Mountain ! Yes ! As in literally snow flakes falling down from the sky~~
Rented those snow coats becuz the guide was telling us its going to be damn cold and we do not want to take the risk... And we are very lucky becoz it has not been snowing for weeks and that very day we visited it snowed !! Cool or wat ! =)

Des hold the main credit becuz i could not roll a big snowball...
He got experience ma.... I dun have leh....

Look at the massive snow fall...
Incredible... =)
Go Aussie Die Die must take picture with 3 things, Koala Bears, Kangaroo and Sydney opera house.

Koala. Check !

Mr Kangaroo. Check !
Sydney Opera House - Check !

Ok... Thats it...
Going to wait for lunch now...
U know... East side really have sooooooooooo much more to eat compare to west side..
Everywhere my colleagues bring me out for lunch, confirm got famous food wan..
Damn it...
Im seriously growing horizontal like nobody business !!
Ok~ End of with me and bf in Sydney Aquarium.. =)