Friday, August 08, 2008

Happening Thursday !!

Met up with KL, Jonah and Cheng jia for DRINKS last night..
Went to Halo Bar at SIM yesterday.. (We didnt even know this pub exist until jonah tell us lor)

But it was good lah... Can drink, Can chat, Can SING K, good enough for me.. Hehehe...
We ordered 3 Carlsberg Towers consecutively..
The whole night i only sing 3 songs ! 2 of them i co-sing with the boys so i abit buay song... Hahaha...

We played the foosball. Split into 2 groups. Poor Chengjia ended up with me... =P
I keep scoring own goal and finally he got enough of my lousyness...
He turned to me and ask.. "Are u very thirsty? Keep losing !!"
Idiot.. Haha..

Keelin left the scene after finishing the 3rd Tower. *Bang Seh* Went off to continue the night at M.O.S with 2 of his friends.. That fellow now regular clubber sia !
Oh~ Speaking of that.. Let me say hello to my 2 new friends.. "Hi Pat and Sherlyn !! Nice to meet u !" =)

After waiting for almost 20 mins for our K songs... We split the scene at ard close to midnight (Next day got to work leh...) Took a slow walk out to the gate of SIM to get cabs.. A familiar path we used to walk when we do not want to squeeze with the student at NP.. But rather squeeze with the student of SIM.. Hahaha...

Pictures will be uploaded when keelin send me...
Cant wait to see my "half-gone" pictures..

These 3 guys have walked with me thru my poly yrs..
During times that are down.. They are there for me.. Watched me cry, laugh, angry and of coz... My Crazy Moments...

Wat will i do without my boys...??

Baby, dun jealous k? Although i know u wont give a damn... Hahaha...

Will update more abt the night when the pictures arrive..

Boys ! When are we going to "Tah" again???? Hahahaha... Lets do it before i leave for Ozzie.. To celebrate me and Keelin's bday !! ^.^

Oh~ Did i mention my sister is a fantastic cook now?? Although i haven tried her cooking but for her to wear an apron and cook, its already fantastic.. So waiting for her to come back and cook for me !! GOT HEAR NOT???

I miss u sister !!

Going to Bala with bf later.. No more alcoholic drinks for me... I dun think i can take it... Yesh~ I am lousy !!

36 more days counting down to Ozzie !

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