I was feeling the colds and shiver when my forehead is burning hot !!
So me and des made a bet saying if my temperature hit up to 38 degree he will buy me a PSP and guess wat ! My temperature is freaking 38.7 degree ok !!

I vomited a few times.. But i didnt eat anything from morning so all that came out was gastric liquid.. YUCK~
I vomited at the clinic's toilet only to find out that the wall is actually very thin and EVERYONE (including the doctor who happen to be in her own room) can hear me !!
Pai say~~
Anyway, Zhong dian of this blog is to thank des for being there for me... To tolerate my whining-ness... Buying me dinner and stay with me for the whole day (left for work when i was sleeping and came back straight after work)
Thanks sweetheart !
But I SHOULD BE THE ONE SLEEPING !! NOT U !! (he is sleeping now...)
I like to act sick but i really hate the feeling of being real sick...
3 days MC~~ going to make full use of it... BF is bring wii for me tmrw to keep me occupied..
Flight is booked and paid !! Aussieland in sept for me birthday !! Thanks baby... Now its my turn to source for hotels !! Yippy !! =)
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