Got many best wishes from my colleagues...
I was happy abt leaving at first, but when the clock ticks away, i know very soon i will be labeled "Ex-pioneer" staffs.... =(
Wat i couldnt bare the most was of coz cindy...
The "hi bye" friend from poly who then became my close friend in Pioneer...
Honestly, if i didnt enter Pioneer, we will still be those kind of "Di-Kua-Bo" (pretend never see) friend if we met on the road.... =)
Dun worry, this isnt the end... I will still fan u with my nonsense and "unnecessary" worries !!
Me and my company jacket...
This jacket has been with me since the day i step into Pioneer...
I wore it everyday without fail..
Me and cin agree that without it, we will feel "naked" in the office...
My belongings which i have to return....
My access card (Picture is ugly... Please dun mind it.... Hahah..) and my Aviva card... No more free doctor visits... =(
Well, thats the end of my chapter in Pioneer, many good and bad memories there...
Take care my friends....
And we shall meet again.... ON FRIDAY !!! Dun fly me aeroplane hor !!!
Yesterday was me and angela's rebonding day...
Reached Sandstorm at 11am with nuggets and carrot cake from Old Chang Kee...
And here we go..........
Angela and me all wrapped up....
Angela's before hair cut and after hair cut....
She was telling everyone she was cutting it short....
Can u spot the diff ???
She claim that the shortness refer to the start of the V-shape !!!
Feel like slapping her 2 times across the face....
Wat happen was... i was struggling with myself to cut short fringe or not...
Becoz i have been in this hair stylr for the longest time and it BORING !!
I was smsing Jie, Keelin, Des and Aloy over this matter...
Des's reply - "Pretty girl with watever hairstyle will still look nice... U will look nice babe.." (Niceeee Answer...)
Keelin's reply - "Juz do it ! U cannot look worst than yr pri sch days isnt it? " ( Like woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh )
Aloy's reply - "Dear... If u wanna do, just do... As long as u dun complain too much after it.... ) -.-"
Jie's reply was the best !!!
Jie : Huh?? Dun want lah..... Wait yr face look like a ball.... U really wanna do it ar? My wedding is like 2 months away know... I dun want to have a ugly bridesmaid...
Me : Ermmmm.... yup... I guess so....
Jie : Damn !! Ok bye ! I got to go thru the phone list to find myself a prettier bridesmaid !!
Thank u ar...............
So the whole journey was....
Should i or should i not ???
Damn !!!
So !!!
I decided to do it !!! JUZ DO IT !! JUST DO IT !!!
Before Cash (my stylist) start snipping off my fringe, i was telling him repeatedlly...
Yup, just a gentle reminder to him on how precious is my hair to me.... =)

Scissor going "Snip Snip Snip"
Heart going "Boom Boom Boom"
The results.....
( Must keep alittle suspense ma.... Hahahas )
Here goes....
*Chang Chang *
Not bad right?
It was better than wat i expected !
Of coz i dun expect very much from this new style lah.... I dun have the guts to try it out ever since Pri sch days (Its lower Pri when i had this style, mind u)
So ya....
Not all can pull off with such fringe, im just lucky i manage to scrap thru... =)
I dun really look fantasic compare to others but at least its still lookable...
But im going back to my old "fringe to the side" once it grow... Just not very use to the cutsy look... Hahaha...
The new and improve me !!! Hahahs...
Im proud of myself for having the guts to cut it !!
In actual fact, I am really a safe person and i hate trying out new things...
Well done Shirmaine !! =)
*Patting myself on the back*
Me and Cash... =)
Lucky for him, his neck is still safe... Im serious abt breaking it if i look horrible leh...
Next picture was caught on camera by Angela without notice....

Oh god.... I look like a "Puo Fu Ma Jie" (Shrew auntie shouting) !!!
I think i was asking her wat she wanna eat later becoz i was super hungry...
But why the hell must i give this face right?
Beats me man.......
A nicer picture caught on notice this time....
Big diff isnt it?
Angela fringe was not up to standard so she redo it again...
Poor girl....
She was whining and whining and whining for the longest time...
Aluminum fringe suits here isnt it? Hahahaha...
She is definitlely not happy with it...
She keeps calling her fringe *Ji Chalk* (One bunch) !
So funny the way she calls them...
Upclose on her fringe....
Can u see the frizziness of it?
She say they are crispy...
U think they are KFC or wat !! Crispy????
But she's going back next week to try salvage her fringe...
I hope she manage to get it right or im sure there going to be a "storm" coming to sandstorm...
Get it? STORM?? sandSTORM ???
Ok FINE !!
Im just being LAME !!!
The rebonding partners...
Did You Know???
We were the first 2 who did rebonding when we are in sch....
Thats was like when we were in sec 4 and rebonding just surfaced so we went to try it...
It was freaking expensive then lor...
Imagine 2 sec 4 girls had to come out with $200 plus for hair treatment...
And mind u, our parents aint a bunch of angels who are willing to fork out for us just for us to look pretty ok...
Kids nowsdays are so lucky...
Parents give them money to look nice when they are only like wat? 13 or 14??
So anyway,
After which rebonding became popular...
So, we are so called the "Pioneer Batch In Boon Lay Sec" hahaha....
We didnt do it just becoz its nice... We did it becoz we have to !! Big diff ok !! We need to find ways to tame our UNTAME hair...
So rebonding was our saviour !! Hahahaha....
Think im going to slack at home today...
Going to be a busy week ahead with many shopping to do...
Many things to get before i start work on the 13th Aug...
P/S : I have to show bf my new hairstyle on MSN !!! Tian ar...... U only show friends thru msn lor !!! He's going to get it later !!
Enjoy yr sunday ppl !!! =)
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