My cousin, Halim got married !!!
On Fri was the R.O.M i think... We got to follow him to his bride place for some prayers and the exchanging of rings... =)
Sat was the preparation and Sunday was the official ceremony (And of all days, i got sick on that day !! #@%&%$% ).
So on friday, i went straight down to his place after work...
My dashing cousin in his Groom's clothes... =)
The gifts to be sent to the girl's side...
Over at the girl's place...
OMG !! Its freaking stuffy lor !!!
Look at the amount of ppl inside the house... Im lucky i didnt suffocate inside i tell u...
And the worst part is....
Is it a custom to close all window??
Ok... Enough of the complains...
Im still glad to be there...
Finally, they were brought back to the room to exchange rings after they signed the papers...
I thought to myself... " Yea !! I can finally see the pretty bride "
This was all the i could see given my pathetic height...
Mind u... I was already tip-toeing and placing my camera over my head and still get such view... Its sad man....
Imagine my eye level... -.-"
At last, i got someone much taller than me to snap a decent picture for me !!
Thanx dude !! Although i know u wont come across my blog becoz the fact that i dun even know who the hell u are... But nevertheless, thanks once again for the decent shot... =)
*End of Fri*
On sat 21/07/07 was the official launch of Harry Potter Book 7 !!!
The last of the whole Harry Potter series already... =(
So obviously i was excited, made bf accompany me early in the afternoon to Kino in Bugis to get it...
I was so afraid that it will be sold out due to the fact that it was on high popular demand...
But !!
I've got it !!!
Lalalala lalalala lalalala ( Singing happily )
I wanted to get the adult version but i couldnt becoz i had all my other H.P books are in kiddy version (WAT LAH...!! I WAS YOUNG WHEN I START COLLECTING MA !!).
And I want a whole neat version of all the books... =)
A kiss from both bf and me to my book...
Ok... I made Aloy kissed it... He didnt really bother much abt Harry Potter !!!
He even fall asleep while watching the Order of the Phoenix which i warn him umpteen times not to !!!
Back to the topic...
Its quite sad knowing that this is the end...
No more Harry Potter Book to look forward to...
Found out something abt bf...
He is also a Kaypo man !!!
We got a HOT magazine from kino too...
And he actually snatch from me demanding to read it first !!
HALLO !! Its not right snatching a gossip mag from a lady ok !!!
Its just not right !!
Caught in the act !!!
Aloy with HOT magazine...
* Bf and me *
After which Aloy send me to MS to meet my girls...
Bell came back so this was a meet up session with all 6 of us present !!
Went Kbox with them...
My lovely ladies.... =)
Angela & Me trying to act pissed when the other pretend to be sleeping...
Well, although she thinks she did a better job, but i think the fact was i did it better....
Candid shots....
Just when i wanted to take a nice picture of myself....
Angela had to come and disturb....
With her ghostly face again....
Im serious u know...
She can really act as a ghost...
Group picture !!
Sheila manage to rush down as soon as she lands.... =)
Love u girls !!! *muachx*
*End of Sat*
Sunday, i woke up feeling sick...
Vomited 2 times before heading down to Halim Wedding Ceremony...
He's my cousin, i had to make myself presence...
After i saw him arriving with his wife...
I went off already..
Didnt wanted to leave actually but i keep vomiting so Aloy took me home...
I felt bad that i didnt stay for the whole ceremony... =(
The following pictures are from Jie's camera...
The stage setup...
The Married Couple...
They look so good together isnt it?
SAD !! SAD !!! SAD LAH !!!
Sorry lem, didnt manage to stay till photo taking... But i wish u two a blissful marriage and hopefully a new arrival soon !!! *wink*
Just FYI, doctor said i had food poisoning..
I ate pasta with Aloy for lunch the previous day, he's alright...
Went for dessert with the girls later on and they are all ok....
Didnt eat anything funny later on so how the hell i had food poisoning... Lucky it was a mild one... Just had a shot on my buttock to stop the vomiting...
Im much better now already... Spent my whole day reading Harry Potter and guess wat !
I finished the whole book already !!! =)
Fast right? Considering all the event that happen during the weekend... Wahahahhaha...
Im not going to tell u all the ending in case any of u wants to read it... See !! im so considerate... Hahaha....
All i can say is... Its a happy ending (which im really happy abt ! )
And J.K.Rowling definitely put an end to H.P stories...
Alrighty !! Going to have my dinner now... Didnt eat any solid food for almost 2 days le... Im starving now already !!!
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