I was to drive him home after the party becoz they wanted to make him damn drunk...
And ehem... *whisper* They succeeded... hahaha...
My bf was flat drunk that night and i had a real hard time bringing him home at 3 am in the morning ok... *Pengz* I wanted to see him drunk but not to such extend that he was suffering from all the vomiting.. *poor thing*
They finished one bottle of Chivas (Almost half was drank by Aloy) !!! And ordered another another jug of Beer...
Think the beer was the killer... Becoz hard liquor + beer = GONE CASE.
My partially drank bf...
YES !! I have a pimple on my nose again...
I seriously think my pimple grows at the most obvious places... Not on the middle of the forehead, then its on the tip of my nose !!!
This is Aloy's wife, GY...
On days when Aloy is not with me... He's with him...
I actually share my bf with him ok !!
*rolling my eyes*
Cherry + Me
I look like a Chao-Ta (charcoal) chicken beside her lor !!
But she say i look like those sporty kind of girl which obviously its not true...!!
Its an advantage getting tan easily tough...
Under the sun for 15 mins and *poosh* BLACK !!!
And ppl will tend to mistaken u for the healthy, sporty kind which u dun really need to be one to look like one !!!
*smiling cheekily*
The different between a 2 mega pixel and a 3.2 mega pixel sony ericsson phone....
(See the 2 pictures below respectively)
The Image is much clearer on K900i lor !!!
How clear is it?
Clear enough for me to notice something disturbing...
Wo Ren.....
Wo Ren !!!
WO REN !!!!!!
*punching fist onto the couch*
Stupid Aloy can smile so happily somemore...
Nevermind... His bday so let him off this time...
*Diao-ing him hard*
OMG !! I sound so possessive right? Hahaha...
I smsed him straight away after i saw this...
ME : Dear !! In the group picture, cherry hook on yr arm leh !! Im not happy !!
Aloy : Haha.. really? I didnt know lei.. aiya nothing one la..
ME : Still not happy.... Humf !
Aloy : Haha.. You know i love u alot right?
Me : (smiling happily) OK ! Forgiven !! =)
On conclusion...
Shirmaine is a super easily contented and easy to please girl... =(
Should make his life a teeny weeny more miserable first hor?
Anyway, My son (My MP4)is sick !! In a coma and have to send for treatment on sat...
My poor son.... Father (Aloy) dun care... Godfather (T.HY) dun care... Only left me to care for it... *dropping a tear*
Aloy did his part lah...
He send me and Xiao Sac to the doctor (creative service centre)
While i was anxious waiting for it...
My bf was hook to a game display at the Creative Showroom !!
Wear the stupid earphone as if he really a pilot like that...
Buay tahan him....
After waited for 1/2 hr...
Xiao Sac have to be warded in the "hospital" for 3 working days... (as told by the staff there)
But good news was, he can be discharge already !!
So im fetching him up straight after work before heading for a movie... =)
Me and Angela saw something we really liked !!!

Gucci Bag...!!!
Super chio right?? Cost $1080 without GST... (Do they include GST?)
Hopefully mummy can get discount becoz she have friends working there... =)
I want it !!! I WANT IT !! *crying wildfully*

OMG..... It fits me so well....
Should i get it when i get my bonus???
Oh god... Please let me strike one time 4D...
Just enough to buy this bag can le... =)
*Slapping myself back to reality*
Aloy think its a waste of money to spend a bomb on a bag...
(Whisper) PS3 not cheap also ok !!!!
He say i should be more rational and consider wisely first before making any decision...
The question is....
When am i ever rational ????
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