Office is so quiet today....
I can actually hear the birds chirping outside...
*ok lah... Im exaggerating...*
Usually when a public holiday is on a thursday,
Fri will automatically become a holiday...
Honest ppl will take Annual Leave,
Dishonest ppl (im in that category) will take MC...
I went for the 三步一拜 in the wee hours yesterday... (Vesak day prayers)
I started walking at 2am and completed it at 5am together with Mummy. Ash and Aloy...
Im the first to finish among the four of us !!! =)
U expect me to be the last right??
But Hell no !! (am i suppose to say hell when im talking abt buddhist thingy? hmmm...)
I am a 100% free-thinker..
But mummy is a buddhist and since Daddy and Sis refuse to go... ( i dun even bother mentioning the fatty... I think he rather die than lift his fat ass...)
Im the only one left for her.... *proud of myself for being so fillal*
As u all know, im dun have any Sport cell in my lazy and 100% fat contain body..
Hence it expain my super sore knees, SUPER injured palm and
SUPER muscle ache on the thigh !!!
Damn torturing...
The last time i experience such pain was a year ago on Vesak day too.. =(
That explains how frequent i exercise right??
I wanted to take MC today to rest my "fully exhaust" legs but my morale got the better of me...
*smiling innocently*
AS IF !!!
Its becoz Aloy couldnt take leave to acc me...
I will be so bored so i rather not waste my MC leave...
Maybe i will put it into better use the next time... =)
Speaking of BF, acc him to Westmall yesterday to get pyjamas for some events in his camp...
Weird right?
Asking Army guys to wear pyjamas for an event...
He say its for Sispec Anniversary or something...
Dun know him lah...
So anyway, when we reach there...
I told him to park at the multi-storey carpark becoz its much cheaper.
So as we drove upwards to find an empty slot...
I begin to realize that the higher we go, the more difficult for me to get down !!!
To recall yr memory, im suffering from massive muscle ache on the thigh..
We manage to park on the 5th storey..
*wa piang*
I refuse to climb up with Aloy to the car after shopping,
Hence i waited downstairs while he went to collect the car...
I know im a teeny weeny useless but my legs hurts ma..... SniffSniff...
*Giving an absolute pitiful smile*
Aloy keep nagging saying that i should exercise more so i wouldnt feel the pain so much the next time...
*he trying to hao lian to me he is very healthy since he dun really feel the pain*
(Im rolling my eyes...)
So, u make him stop nagging.... I started my sarcasm....
" I know......... Im not really the sporting kind....... Why??? U going to despise now is it??? U exercise so much then yr gf never exercise very not matching is it??? Huh.... HUH.... HUH !!!!... "
Then he goes " No lah... Where got ?? " Voice slowly traits away....
*showing peace sign*
So girls.... Next time when yr bf start nagging at u.... Try this method... And if he replies..
"Ya lor... Not matching at all..."
Slap his head, pinch his ears and bite him...
Then await his apologies....
Oops... I think i just blown my cover,,,
Oh my god....
Time is like crawling when u are bored man....
I regretted coming to work..
Should have just called in sick and rot till my arse drop off at home...