Me, Angela & Angelyn headed down to town to get a bday pressie for Craig(Angelyn's bf)...
We got for him a Levi's wallet...
And upon purchasing...
We are entitled to 1 lucky draw chance...
And guess wat we actually won.....
$501 Levi voucher !!!
OMG !!!
Me and angelyn were stunned for a moment...
The sales person was equally stunned... Telling us we are the first ones who actually won it from that particular store !!
Lucky hor ??
Angelyn keep telling me its her luck or watsoever becoz she was the one who picked the scratched it card...
But i seriously think its me with the luck...
So here are the lucky winners....
We are going to get a jeans each...
And maybe a top with the extra $$$...
Happily !!! =)
After that we headed down to West coast park for our BBQ !!!
BUT !!!
It rained....
In the end we change our destination to another friend's place...
And so the BBQ begin....
Bf went with me to the BBQ...
This is the first time after a year he officially hang out with my friends...
Take so long right !!!!
He is a shy boy....
Darling Ash and me...
We simply loves sweet corn !!
Not really yet lah......
Take AGAIN !!!
Much better.... =)
Someone is missing from this picture....
BELL !! come back soon....
Missing u here with us leh....
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