But the only thing thats lacking was the 10 course dinner and SHARKFIN !! Yummy.... Anyways, PICTURES !!!

My cousin !!! The lead character of today's entry.... Eugene Seow !!!
The march in.... FOAM !!! no idea who's idea was it from !!!! bubbles are acceptable but foam?? Its a Nono from me.....
Awwww.... Sooooo Sweet.... Soooooo Touching..... Yup.... He cried..... -.-"'
And i hereby present to u.... Mr and Mrs Eugene Seow.....
Sis and me with the couple.... Actually the feeling was weird... We grew up together and slowly one by one they got married !!! Time really flies...... (dropping a tear !!! Like real !!!) wahahahah...
Me and Terence.... We both look weird in this picture..... He look pervertic to me though... (oops...) hahaha..
My men in white !!!
Pshhh.... just for yr info... we had a dress code... that explain the white "PAP" attire.... Hai...
This pretty lady is the mother of my two darling nephews(refer to the above picture)... Of coz not including that fatty...
Mirror mirror on the wall... Who's the fattest of us all???? Hmmm... this is a tough question....
Ryan !!!! U BETTER WATCH YR DIET !!!!!!!!!!
Of all three i have to get the fattest one as a brother !!! *rolling eyes* hahaha...
My two handsome cousins.... ehem.. the left stud is taken !!! Getting hitch next july... Another soon to be married cousin.... And ladies.... Just so u know, the one to the right is available !!! Once broken considered SOLD !!! hahaha...
Nobody.... I mean NOBODY can say she's prettier than me ok !! Coz i know she is.... Dun wanna hear the truth... Hahaha...
I smile for the camera everytime !!! Hahaha...
This is only half of my family.... Not everyone is present that day... Big family right?? U must be thinking... Wa lau eh... So many ppl, surely CNY ang bao alot right???
Dream on lor.... Little dao....... Dun know why also... sad.....
Anyway !!!! Can u spot little Ms Shirmaine in the pic??? Open yr eyes bigger and see lah !!!! okok.. tell u all ar...... Im located at...........
There !!! Pathetic...... Small until miserable lor..... Hai...
Ok.... End with a nice picture of myself....
Cheerz.... =)
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