
Me and The "latecomers" !!!! Hahaha....

We had Long John Silver for dinner.... Long time never eat liao le... So i insisted of eating it !!! Although they look abit reluctant but... I DUN CARE !!! Hahahaha....
After dinner, we went to take NeoPrints... Or is it call LoveGety??? Hmmmmm... Wad do youngsters call it nowaday ar??? (as if i damn old hor??? hahaha...)
Oh My God.... We used to be Liao Jiao in such machine... And now we are like newbies man... Dun know shit abt which button to press lor !!!
AND.... Guess how much it cost for one freaking printout??? 11 bucks !!!!! My god... Blood sucking machines !!!!!

After a hard work of decorating.....

We went to watch the movie The Holiday.... Its was Niceeeee !! The storyline is very heart-warming leh !! Sweet Dao..............
Jude Law was like Woah !!!! Handsome !!! *drooling*
This Sheila ar..... everytime there's a sweet and romantic scene, she will squeeze my hands so hard until all my blood around the arm area stop flowing lor !!! And this is a Romantic Comedy hence imagine the amount of time i have to tolerate such thing.... Irritating........... Hahaha...
Cineleisure has this habit of pasting the movie poster on its pillar.... This is a bad thing becoz... Ppl like us will start clicking our cameras....!!!! Hahaha....
Here are the takes !!!

Ok.... Our Group Picture !!!!!

RETAKE !!!!!!!

In less than 12 hrs time...... We will be ushering Year 2007 !!!!!! Yea~~~~ Excited !!! Okok.... Here's my new year resolutions....
- Stay happy
- Get a promotion (which is unlikely)
- Earn Big Bucks !!!
- Save more money for my Germany Trip in April (BROKE !!!)
- Get a new job (If i couldnt obtain no : 2 that is)
- New car maybe??? Toyota Rush??
- Being pampered by Aloy more (Dear, Are u reading this???!!)
- Spend more time with my girls
- And of coz !! Staying young and pretty... *shameless* hahaha...
Couldnt think abt anymore at this moment so thats abt it.... Will update if i have more.... =)
And lastly..... WORLD PEACE !!!! Hahaha...
Hope in 2007, Happiness surround my family members, friends and loved ones....
Health wise is a must too.... And to everyone i know... Thank u for being a part of my life in this soon to end year... Hopefully, our connection remain for more years to come !!!!
Stay happy ppl !!!
I'll see u in 2007 then !!!! Going to take a nap now... Going for the countdown at Vivo later with my darling BF.. Catching a movie @ 1215 am on the 01/01/2007 !!!
First movie of the year !!! Hahahaha.... Sayonara !!!