Its monday again....
Anoher working day.. But short week so not that bad.. =)
Woke up super late today..
Rush like siao ~
Boarded the train which usually will be filled with KIASU ppl.. But today, to my ultimate surprise.. It was very empty..
So i texted des...
Me: " Wah~~ Today's train is SUPER empty.. U know why? BECUZ IM SUPER LATE !!"
Des : Hahaha.. No lah.. It could be becuz dat loads of peeps are on leave for CNY?
Me : " Really ar? So many on leave until there is 7 empty seats infront of me ar??
It was honestly that empty... I have a picture to prove it !!

There u go !
If tmrw at my normal boarding time is this empty, i shall apologize to des for not trusting him.. Haha..
Anyway, i'm always pissed off with my ever stupid heavy bag...
Always carry until my shoulder hurts like mad...
So.. this is its content...

*YES !! I'm very messy i know.....*
Now i know why it hurts so much...
I always say it but never once do it...
Went Shopping with my sis yesterday..
Before we start our spree.. She went for the Fabulous Tan at cineleisure...
For all u curious ppl... Its very safe... Actually its safer than the hot sun.. =)
I dun need it becoz 5 mins under the sun and im *poosh* BLACK... Plus swimming every weekend has ensure my "black" skin tone...

When i see this machine... It reminded me of the movie Final Destination 2. Theres this girl who got toasted to "chao ta" inside this thingy...
I insisted on going in with my sis... In case something happen how ??!!!
It takes only 5 sec to toast my sis u know.. Considering her bloody skinny body.. Nothing much to burn... *oopps* wahahahhahaha...

U can tune in to yr own prefered radio station !! Cool huh?

The main controller.
And of coz.. They need a model for such ad isnt it?
Sorry... No girls in tiny bikini...
U can tan the back....

And the front EVENLY...

U suppose to be in nude as u tan of coz...
But so sorry... No such pictures taken...
*slap u* for having this thought...

"Hmmm... Why So quiet.... Hmmmm.... "
And after 10 mins of tanning... She's "well done" !! Medium cooked... Haha...

My si bei thin sister... She is the reason why ppl consider me as fat hor !!!
And oh... My sis did the naval ring !!!!
She has been saying she wanted to do it for the longest time.. And finally she did !!
(proud of her)
I so wanted to do too leh..!! It look so sexy !!!
But after considering my "not so tone/not so flat tummy", i decided not to... Later embarass myself rather than look sexy... =P