Anyway, enough of the kitty... i did my nails on friday....
Tada !!!!
Nice??? although not very professional... but look from afar still not bad lah... Aloy likes it.... kekeke.... =)
Hmmm... Went to meet up with my 3 poly gal frenz yesterday....
All ready to set off !!!! P/s : i look funny hor???? think its the weird smile... hahaha... From left : Patsy, Me, Xiao hui and Qi jia
Met up for lunch at Bugis Sakae... Sat there and chit chat for the longest time i tell u.... They refuse to leave man !!! i ask them to find a nice cafe and continue our conversation there but they dun want.... -.-" Oh well.... i'll just follow the crowd then... hahah....
Pictures time !!! Xiao Hui Jie Jie and me !!!
Ms Shopaholic and "thirfty" me... =)
I've always wanted to do that since the day i met Miss Leo.... hahaha...
After walking ard to take pics.... We sat at a food court in bugis street and had ice-kachang !!!
Our colouful mountains !!! haha...
Superleo is enjoying her ice-kachang to the fullest....
Xiao hui is forever a busy lady... Hp never stop ringing de....
The odd one who ate ching teng instead of ice-kachang.... haha...
We are happy with our ice-kachang....!!!
We are planning to go on a zoo trip this sat... ONLY if xiao hui able to get free tix for us... hahaha... Yup... we are cheapo.... who will pay to go Singapore Zoo??? unless u are a tourist lah... Waste money !!!!
Me and my baby boy..... i love him !!!! and ya.... this is my beautiful kitchen... Many magnet on the fridge hor?? Collected by my sis.... Wanna help add to the collection??? hehehe...
This is my beautiful mother who is currently crazy over korean drama....Look like sisters hor?? haha... i was forced to acc her to JP that night to get the latest drama series... hmmmm..... But i got advantage too lah... i get to buy Wang Lee Hom Concert DVD there.... so im happy too... hehehe...